Home >> Publications >> Letter: EBRD and EURATOM support for life-time extension of Ukraine's nuclear reactors is in breach of international law

Letter: EBRD and EURATOM support for life-time extension of Ukraine's nuclear reactors is in breach of international law

In this letter 46 non-governmental organisations alarm European Union representatives involved in the decision-making at the EBRD and Euratom to the fact that Ukraine is pressing ahead with its plans to extend the life-time of its old nuclear reactors even though they are in breach of international law (Espoo Convention) and without proper impact assessments and despite UKraine's obligations under the loans provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Euratom.

Marco Buti, Director General for Economic and Financial Affairs and the EU's alternate governor of the EBRD responded (pdf) on June 2, 2015, stating that "any decision by Ukraine to extend the life-span of any of its nuclear power plants will require assessments under the [Espoo and Aarhus] conventions".
