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Groups petition Polish government to drop permit for Europe's largest planned coal plant


On Monday Polish NGOs Client Earth, Workshop for all Beings, Greenpeace, WWF and local community group Eco-Kociewie petitioned the General Director of Environmental Protection to cancel the environmental impact assessment permit for the Polnoc Power Plant in northern Poland.

All at SEA - key assessment of EU funds programmes in Latvia fails to address environmental concerns, opportunities


There is a big long list of technical jargon attached to the programming documents of the EU funds for the 2014-2020 funding period – enough to fill an entire blog post on its own. But you will be relieved to read that, in the context of Latvia’s ongoing negotiations as to how we will spend our future EU budget money, I will focus on only one of these items. It may be a bit of a mouthful, but it is what it says it is – only in Latvia, as environmental NGOs are discovering, what should be a safeguard for the environment appears to have gone missing.

Tell the EBRD to divest from fossil fuels!

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Policy briefing: New draft energy (read oil, gas and coal) strategy at the EBRD

The EBRD’s draft energy strategy doesn’t have a climate target. It recognizes the urgency of climate action and the fact that the energy sector is the largest greenhouse gas emitter and places energy efficiency and renewable energy at the core of the transition to low carbon economies. The low carbon transition appears to be a central theme of the draft strategy but when it comes to the fossil fuels sector, it only translates into a potential slight reduction in coal investments.

PPPs "poor in practice" admits new EBRD-financed study


Despite collecting impressive evidence from 20 years of failed public-private partnerships in central and eastern Europe, an EBRD-financed study by the Economist Intelligence Unit concludes to continue using the controversial financing scheme.

The EBRD plans more climate damaging loans in new energy policy draft

London – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) published July 19 a draft (pdf) of its future energy policy. According to CEE Bankwatch Network, although the bank correctly depicts the urgency of transitioning towards low-carbon economies, it falls short when it comes to commitments: lending to fossil fuels is envisaged to continue, including for coal, the dirties of fossil fuels; and promises to support renewables and energy efficiency, though welcome, are not accompanied by persuasive benchmarks and timelines.

UPDATED: A guide to examining the European Investment Bank's energy lending portfolio


A thorough check of the European Investment Bank's energy lending data shows that not all is as rosy as the EIB would like to see it. We've paired up with Open Spending to provide an introduction into how to interpret and scrutinise the numbers.

Green agriculture spending culled in Estonia - NGOs demand proper use of future EU money


While the EU's future common agricultural policy is taking shape in Brussels, it’s not just there that major agri-business interests are flexing their muscles to take the ‘green-ness’ out of EU agricultural spending.

EURATOM loan to Ukraine nuclear programme must not go ahead

The European Commission plans to decide on a EURATOM loan for Ukraine's nuclear programme even though it is in breach with the Espoo Convention. This basically means that despite the risks there was no environmental impact assessment and that neighbouring countries were not consulted. (Read more details in our press release from April.)

EURATOM loan to Ukraine nuclear programme must not go ahead

In March 2013 the Implementation Committee under the UN Espoo Convention ruled that Ukraine's expansion of the lifetime of its old nuclear reactors is in breach of the Convention (more details in our press release). Nevertheless the European Commission plans to decide on a EURATOM loan for the project.

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