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Bankwatch input to the consultation on the Energy Community Treaty

Trains, planes and citizens' mobility - Axeing of Polish airport plan brings calls for improved train connections via EU funds


As countries around Europe strive in the first weeks of the year to conclude spending plans that will guide how they deploy billions of EU funds for the 2014-2020 budgetary period, last week saw a welcome move in Poland with the shelving of a controversial airport proposal that had been in line for EU support.

EBRD set to backtrack on environmental and social safeguards

A draft released yesterday of the Environmental and Social Policy of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development shows that, instead of strengthening the policy to provide for better implementation, the bank opens several loopholes which ensure that approval of financing is achievable for problematic projects.

Missing sustainability: The EBRD's controversial energy lending in Ukraine (2006-2013)

While the EBRD's founding document require it to "promote in the full range of its activities environmentally sound and sustainable development" more than half of the bank’s energy investments in Ukraine for the period 2006-2013 hardly served the purpose of sustainable development promotion. In this period the EBRD has supported nuclear energy production and new output capacities for nuclear power plants, export-oriented infrastructure, as well as controversial initiatives in the renewable energy sector.

Sounding out the EBRD's energy strategy: little ambition besides scrapping coal


At a closer look the EBRD's new energy strategy, complimented for the restrictions it places on coal lending, reveals a shocking lack of operational knowledge to implement the ambitions outlined in its executive summary.

Get your EU funds house in order - Hungarian group takes climate and jobs appeal direct to government's doorstep


With only a few weeks to go now until final crucial decisions are taken that will determine Hungary's EU spending plans for the next seven years, Bankwatch's Hungarian member group MTVSZ decided last week that it was about time the Hungarian government got its house in order when it comes to beneficial EU allocations for cutting domestic energy bills, stimulating the Hungarian economy and fighting climate change.

Ukrainian nuclear sector in defiance and in financial trouble


On November 28, the state nuclear regulator of Ukraine (SNRIU) allowed the continued operation of unit 1 of the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant (SUNPP-1) until December 2, 2023 - 10 years beyond its technically designed lifetime. The decision not only constitutes a breach of national regulation, but also disregards an unresolved case of non-compliance with the UN Espoo Convention. All this while Energoatom is in an increasingly tight financial situation.

Local impacts of Danosha pig farms, Ukraine

The EBRD is considering a loan to the Ukrainian agribusiness corporation Danosha whose pig farms in the Ivano-Frankvisk region have triggered numerous complains by locals.

South Ukrainian nuclear power plants - not ready for a safe operation in over-design period

The licence for unit 1 of the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant is going to expire on December 2, 2013. The unit has been stopped already in March 2013 for necessary maintenance and safety upgrade works. The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) conditioned the possibility of the unit’s re-start and lifetime extension to a list of measures that need to be implemented.

Information is crucial - Villagers in the way of infrastructure in Ukraine need early support


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development helped solve conflicts between locals and Ukrainian state company Ukrenergo about an EBRD financed transmission line. On close inspection, the case illustrates that without close monitoring and support for local communities, it is left to chance and locals’ dedication that conflicts are being noticed in the first place.

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