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Recommendations for the last state of programming of EU Regional Funds 2014-2020 for energy projects

Bankwatch and Polish Green Network analysed the final drafts of the Regional Operational Programmes of Poland's voivodeships. The report "Green energy for all" shows how ambitious (or not) the Polish regions are to invest in a low-carbon economy, in particularly when it comes to renewable energy and energy efficiency in residential buildings. It also contains six recommendations for Polish regions to make the most of the low-carbon potential of Regional Funds.

EBRD sticks to business as usual despite Ukraine facing war and severe shortages


With Ukraine’s ongoing fight for sovereignty and integrity emphasising once more the country’s energy vulnerability in front of Russia, the need to radically reform the Ukrainian energy sector became crucial for the survival of the country. And yet, moves in this direction are way too slow. Despite positive rhetoric on the need to prioritise energy efficiency, some European donors such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development continue with business as usual, spending huge resources on large infrastructure projects that do not address the country’s immediate need for improved energy security.

Visegrad countries push for more gas imports in 2030 deal

Prague – The Visegrad plus 2 countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, together with Romania and Bulgaria) have all included a strong statement of support for the Southern Gas Corridor into their comments to the drafted EU 2030 Council conclusions to begin in Brussels this Thursday.

Poor quality of draft ESIA report for Part C and D of the 750 kV Rivne - Kyiv High Voltage Line Project

Letter to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 17 October 2014 - Download as pdf

Letter to the European Investment Bank, 31 October 2014 - Download as pdf

Another David vs. Goliath fight in Poland over road construction in Natura 2000 site


Road construction in Poland can be a cause for great controversy in Poland not least when incomprehensible roads designs clash with nature.

Six EU states cast doubt on proposed 2030 climate goals

Source: Sophie Yeo, RTCC

Central European countries reject renewables and efficiency goals as part of EU’s 2030 climate package

Will Ukrainian coal hijack today's Energy Community meeting?


Currently presiding over the EU-backed Energy Community's Minsterial Council, Ukraine will likely try to dilute environmental regulations in the Treaty. But the country's ageing coal-fired power plants are troubled by inefficiency and pollution and in dire need of environmental improvements.

Dusting off Ukraine's energy sector - Why the country must address inefficiency and pollution at its ageing coal-fired power plants

The study, based on a field trip to two coal power plants and communities in Western Ukraine, highlights some of the pollution challenges of energy generation from coal in Ukraine, explains the urgent need for reform in Ukraine’s energy sector and the opportunities that the Energy Community membership brings to the country.

A road to nowhere - the shortcomings of the S-7 expressway in Poland

The controversies around the „Skarzysko-Polnoc” junction compound to create a hotspot for the different issues related to road investments in Poland. The planned section threatens the valuable natural environment, and the project is lagging due to legal and procedural inadequacies in the decision-making process.

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