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Ucraina - Pericolul nuclear ascuns in vazul tuturor

Source: L. Colintineanu, I. Moldovan, HotNews.ro

Atentia intregii regiuni, daca nu a intregii lumi, este concentrata pe evenimentele din estul Ucrainei. Pe buna dreptate, pentru ca un razboi in Europa nu mai putea fi imaginat de multi dintre noi. In tot acest timp insa, in Ucraina se intampla si alte lucruri, unele cu potential impact direct asupra Romaniei intr-un caz tragic. E vorba despre starea ingrijoratoare a reactoarelor nucleare ale acestei tari si prelungirea duratei lor de viata cu incalcarea conventiilor internationale la care Kievul a aderat. De la Bucuresti, liniste totala. Autoritatile romane nu par ingrijorate.

Financing Partnership: supporting partners in monitoring and implementation of EU funds from Technical Assistance

This paper addresses the challenges faced by civil sociey organisations in building and maintaining their capacities for fully contributing to monitoring and the
implementation of ESIF 2014 - 2020.

As exemplified by best practices from Poland and Slovakia, Techncial Assistance can indeed support civil society partners' comprehensive involvement in the policy cycle. However, financial support for partners is more an exemption than a common practice in the CEE region.

Development finance takes centre stage in Riga

In June, Latvian Green Movement co-organised the high-profile Riga International Roundtable Financing for Development: Role of EU Member States. Participants included policy makers, journalists, representatives of development finance institutions and civil society and academics.

At the event, countries’ positions on and alternative solutions to development finance were complemented by a view on successes and challenges of development finance so far.

Possible coal and energy State aid cases in Energy Community countries based on publicly accessible information

By signing the Energy Community Treaty in 2005, countries in the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova agreed to abide by the European Union's competition rules. But a number of energy sector investments are being planned that may not so far have taken adequate account of state aid rules. This briefing includes case studies of projects from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine.

See related materials including a more detail briefing, a press release and a slideshow at:

Italian mayor stands up against EU priority gas pipeline


Local opposition against the Trans-Adriatic gas pipeline (TAP) is growing as an Italian mayor made clear in an open letter to the European Commission and European public banks.

Illegal coal subsidies could cost south-east European countries dearly, warns new study

Prague - New investments in coal mines and power plants could cost the Western Balkans and Ukraine dearly if they fail to take into account binding rules on subsidies (State aid), according to a new briefing released today by CEE Bankwatch Network.

Risks for coal and electricity investments in the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova due to state-aid rules

By signing the Energy Community Treaty in 2005, countries in the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova agreed that the European Union's competition rules are to be applied also within their territory. A number of energy sector investments are being planned that may not so far have taken adequate account of State aid rules. This briefing therefore provides a summary to draw attention to relevant requirements of EU law and highlight the risks of failure to take them into account when planning investments. The account when planning investments.

Ukrajina a jadrove reaktory

Source: TA3, TA3

Interview with Dana Marekova (in Slovak). Starting at 21:00

Operations suspended at one Ukrainian nuclear unit, as wider safety doubts persist

Citing 33 safety issue failings, at the end of April Ukraine's nuclear regulator took the decision to suspend operations at Unit 2 of the South Ukraine nuclear power plant by a May 12 deadline, the date marking the end of the plant's design lifetime. Under the terms of the Ukrainian State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate Council's decision, should the state-owned nuclear energy operator Energoatom wish to resume the unit's operations beyond its design lifetime it will have to implement all necessary measures by May 2017.

EBRD money and nuclear safety in Ukraine: Being a lender does not guarantee leverage

The EBRD has denied its role in enabling Ukraine’s ageing units to operate beyond their design lifetime. It has also claimed that through the loan it has important leverage over its client Energoatom to help ensure a proper level of nuclear safety and the compliance with Ukraine’s international commitments in the nuclear energy sector. However, developments in January-May 2015 show the EBRD has been over-optimistic about the role and leverage it has gotten by granting the loan for the safety upgrade project.

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