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Ukraine nuclear lifetime extensions require impact assessment in compliance with Aarhus and Espoo convention

On several occasions the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development stated that operations of its clients should comply with all international treaties and other legal obligations. In spite of these reassurances, Energoatom in Ukraine keeps ignoring its international obligations, as outlined in the Espoo Convention, in the processes of assessing the life-time extension of its nuclear reactors.

Entwicklungshilfe für Discounter: Wie Lidl mit Hilfe von Weltbankkrediten Geschäfte in Osteuropa macht

Source: Philipp Jahn, Andrea Miosga, Frank Konopatzki, Monitor, ARD

Georg Restle: „Er gilt als der größte Discounter Europas und fast jeder in Deutschland kennt ihn: Lidl. Milliardengewinne mit billigen Lebensmitteln, das ist das Geschäftskonzept des Supermarkt-Giganten. Aber es gibt auch eine ganz andere Geschichte über Lidl. Und die eignet sich ganz sicher nicht fürs schöne Werbe-Image des Billig-Discounters. Guten Abend und willkommen bei Monitor. Wenn Sie an Entwicklungshilfe denken, denken Sie wahrscheinlich an Brunnen, Schulen oder Krankenhäuser. Ganz sicher nicht an millionenschwere Kredite für eines der reichsten Einzelhandelsunternehmen der Welt.

Letter to European Commission: Reconsider disbursement of loans for Ukraine nuclear project

In this letter, Bankwatch asks the European Commission to reconsider the disbursement of the Euratom and EBRD loans for the Ukraine nuclear safety upgrade programme that effectively enables the lifetime extensions at Ukraine's nuclear reactors. The letter provides evidence for the intertwined character of the upgrade programme and the lifetime extensions and for Ukraine's refusal to meet its obligations under international conventions.

Letter to European Commission (DG ECFIN): Ukraine does not meet obligations under international law

The European Commission stated in an earlier letter that any decision by Ukraine to extend the life-span of any of its nuclear power plants will require assessment under the Aarhus and Espoo Conventions. In this letter, Bankwatch offers evidence for how Ukraine is indeed extending the lifetimes of its nuclear reactors but not meeting its obligations under the conventions.

Hungary and the Energy Union: The devil is in the details


Hungary needs to transform its energy sector. But can the Energy Union kickstart such change? The vision presented by the European Commission's Vice President Maroš Šefčovič includes a few promising nuggets, but overall risks reinforcing the status quo.

Škodlivé projekty z balíka

Source: Irena Jenčová, Pravda.sk

Nedávno Európsky parlament prijal hodnotiaci mechanizmus „scoreboard“, na základe ktorého sa bude rozhodovať o tom, ktoré projekty z plánovaného 315-miliardového Junckerovho balíčka alebo z Európskeho fondu pre strategické investície dostanú garancie z európskeho rozpočtu.

O peniaze z Junckerovho fondu sa uchádza kontroverzná slovenská priehrada

Source: EurActiv.sk, EurActiv.sk

Mimovládne organizácie upozorňujú, že bez prísnejších ekonomických a environmentálnych kritérií podporu z 315 miliardového Junckerovho balíka získajú aj rôzne kontroverzné projekty ako vodné dielo Slatinka.

To live or profit? Video from a protest action in the Czech Republic

On July 17, protestors in northern Czech Republic held an action outside the home of Jan Dienstl, a coal magnate who is lobbying heavily to have the country's limits on mining removed.

The participants came from the summer camp of Bankwatch's member group Hnuti Duha that took place in Horní Jiřetí, a small town which would be set for demolition if the plans of the mining companies to breach ecological mining limits succeeded.

Slovakian dam project is a warning sign for Juncker's investment drive


The European Parliament will soon be voting on a Scoreboard that will help assess candidate projects to the EUR 21 billion European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI). Stringent economic, social and environmental criteria are a paramount need for ensuring investments that contribute to a more sustainable Europe.

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