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A l’Est, les fonds européens délaissent la transition énergétique

Source: Romain Loury, Journal de le'nvironnement

Abondés par les financements de l’Union européenne, les pays d’Europe de l’est et d’Europe centrale ne les emploient que rarement à des solutions de transition énergétique, dénonce l’association Les Amis de la Terre Europe dans un rapport publié mardi 26 janvier.

Selon l’association, seuls 7% des 178 milliards affectés à ces neuf pays [1], aussi bien par le Fonds européen de développement régional (Feder) et le Fonds de cohésion pour la période 2014-20 [2], sont orientés vers les énergies renouvelables, l’efficacité énergétique et les «smart grids».

Countries ‘misspent’ EU billions on fossil fuels — report

Source: Kalina Oroschakoff, Politico

Central and Eastern European countries “misspent” billions worth of EU public funds on fossil fuels instead of on renewables and energy efficiency, NGOs CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe said in a report released Tuesday.

Examining the spending plans for current 2014-2020 EU budget cycle for Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, the two NGOs found that of the €178 billion in regional development and cohesion funds aimed at CEE countries, only 7 percent will be spent on greener forms of energy.

Umweltschützer prangern neun EU-Länder an

Source: Tages Anzeiger, Tages Anzeiger

Mehrere mittel- und osteuropäische Länder ziehen fossile Brennstoffe klimafreundlicheren Lösungen vor. Und laut Umweltschützern drücke die EU beide Augen zu.

Neun mittel- und osteuropäische Länder vernachlässigen nach Angaben von Umweltschützern Investitionen in den Klimaschutz. Diese Länder geben demnach fossilen Brennstoffen den Vorzug vor klimafreundlicheren Lösungen.

Statele din CEE nu investesc suficiente fonduri comunitare în energiile verzi

Source: Constantin Balaban, Agrepres

Nouă state membre UE din Europa Centrală și de Est, printre care se numără și România, țin pe loc progresele realizate de blocul comunitar în combaterea încălzirii globale prin faptul că nu reușesc să investească fondurile oferite de Bruxelles pentru dezvoltarea energiilor regenerabile, arată un studiu publicat marți, informează DPA.

Neun behindern den EU-Klimaschutz

Source: Klimaretter.info, Klimaretter.info

Neun EU-Mitgliedsstaaten torpedieren den Klimaschutz in der EU: Estland, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Rumänien, die Slowakei, Tschechien und Ungarn würden fossilen Brennstoffen den Vorzug vor klimafreundlicheren Lösungen geben, selbst wenn sie EU-Gelder für den Klimaschutz erhalten würden. Das ist Ergebnis einer Analyse, die osteuropäische Umweltschützer der Organisationen CEE Bankwatch und Friends of the Earth am Dienstag in Brüssel vorgestellt haben.

Ukraine Nuclear Safety Upgrade Programme: loan conditions not met

The Ukrainian government continues to disregard the legal conditions attached to the financial support it receives from the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Euratom for its nuclear safety upgrade program.

Nuclear plant shenanigans intensify in Ukraine

An ageing nuclear unit in the South Ukraine power plant has become the latest to have its expiry date rewritten by Ukrainian authorities, despite a number of pending safety issues and concerns over compliance with international treaties.

Foul play: development banks condone top Ukrainian poultry producer's abuses

A closer look at Europe’s recent investments in Ukraine’s agriculture sector shows that the failure to apply high transparency standards and social safeguards poses not only business risks but also undermines Ukraine’s democratisation process.

Polish authorities on collision course with EU institutions over S7 expressway

A barely eight kilometre long section of an express road in central Poland is becoming another battlefield in the long-running conflict between Polish road authorities on one side and European biodiversity protection laws, and environmental NGOs trying to uphold them, on the other. Except this time, it’s not just about the law – it’s also about the money.

Romanian Court Rejects Environmental Permit for Coal Mining Expansion

Source: Simona Drevenšek, Energetika-Net

Last week the Bucharest court annulled the environment permit for the felling of another 159 hectares of forest in Gorj country, effectively preventing the expansion of the Rosia lignite mine, said the Prague-based environmental NGO, CEE Bankwatch.

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