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Too good to be true? Assessing one year of the Investment Plan for Europe


Europe is hemorrhaging cash in deeply unsustainable projects like motorways, airports and gas infrastructure.

Juncker investment plan: deep reforms necessary for sustainable future

Cash that should be flowing into projects that boost environmental sustainability is instead fuelling outdated carbon-intensive projects like motorways, airports, and fossil-fuel infrastructure, according to a new report on Europe’s investment plan released today

[Campaign update] Montenegro's Pljevlja coal plant is running out of time to secure financing


The Czech daily Hospodarske Noviny (English: "Economic Newspaper") is reporting today that the Czech Export Bank (CEB) and export insurance agency EGAP may not be be able to finance the Pljevlja II lignite power plant in Montenegro due to new OECD rules entering force on 1 January 2017.

For European development bank democracy is an afterthought


Almost one in four euros lent by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 2015 went to authoriatrian countries. The bank has clearly decided to ignore its own mandate, or else it would have to considerably shrink its business.

Guest post: Renewables kept in thrall in the Czech Republic


How to overcome the stagnation in the Czech renewable energy sector? Ending the government’s crusade against renewable support schemes would be a good starting point, writes Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch’s member group Hnuti Duha, Friends of the Earth Czech Republic.

Ukraine's nuclear energy fixation puts its European financiers to a test


In a meeting today, the Espoo Convention's Implementation Committee will again discuss Ukraine's compliance with the Convention's rules. A look back at the last months does not suggest a positive outcome.

За неправилно харчени европейски пари сигнализират от Асоциацията на парковете

Source: Дневник, Дневник

Неправилно разходване на европейски средства за обществените поръчки за изготвяне проекти на планове за управление на Национален парк "Пирин" и Природен парк "Витоша" и потенциална загуба на европейско разнообразие в резултат от тези проекти, финансирани със средства на Европейския съюз по оперативна програма "Околна среда".

Guest post: Realities in the Czech renewable sector defy the ideas of the Paris Agreement


If fossil fuels' grip on the Czech Republic's energy sector remains, as current plans and policies confirm, the country's support for the Paris Agreement will be nothing but a sham, writes Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch's Czech member group Hnuti Duha.

Ukraine's nuclear programme and the Espoo Convention - letter to the Convention's Implementation Committee

Espoo bodies sent several specific recommendations concerning its non-compliance with the Espoo Convention to Ukraine. Nonetheless Ukraine seems to be either ignoring those or taking insufficient steps towards compliance. Therefore Bankwatch summarises the state-of-play in this letter and asks the Implementation Committee to consider a number of steps to ensure the Convention’s requirements are properly met by Ukraine.

Naše predsedníctvo za solidaritu

Source: Tomáš Profant, Pravda.sk

Začiatkom júla začalo Slovensko predsedať Rade Európskej únie. Uprostred politických turbulencií nielen u nás doma, ale aj v Európe sa slovenská vláda rozhodla podporiť zaznamenaniahodné nástroje ekonomickej politiky.

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