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Polish government accused of gagging anti-fracking groups

Source: Ed King, RTCC

Poland’s government stands accused of considering new legislation to limit the influence of campaign groups opposed to its plans to frack for shale gas.

EBRD finances lifetime expansion of Ukrainian nukes, but gets defensive about it

Kiev – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development approved yesterday a 300 million euros loan for the so-called “Safety Upgrade Programme” of Ukraine. In reality, the beneficiary company, state-owned Energoatom, will use the money to prolong the lifetime of 12 old nuclear reactors.

EIB, EBRD agree loans for Slovenian coal power plant

Source: John McGarrity, Reuters

Europe's two biggest public banks agreed funding for a lignite-fired power plant in Slovenia, sparking criticism from pressure groups which have questioned the way the project was awarded and its pollution threat.

New nuclear risks in Ukraine - decision expected tomorrow


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is expected to take a decision tomorrow on whether or not to provide a EUR 300 million loan for a nuclear power plant Safety Upgrade Programme in Ukraine. This article from our quarterly Bankwatch Mail sums up the issues at hand.

Win win win - CEE public show how to inject quality into EU funded projects

Bankwatch’s competition devoted to showcasing ideas for EU funds investments that can generate sustainable development for European communities has proved to be a big success – and it should offer inspiration to EU and national level decision-makers as the task of setting operational programmes, the blueprints for how to spend the EUR 960 billion pot for the 2014-2020 budgetary period, now gets underway.

Shell's new shale gas frontier in Ukraine: another fossil fuel opening for EBRD?

The industry frenzy surrounding the development of shale gas in Europe is gathering pace, with the announcement in late January of a EUR 400 million deal between Shell and Ukraine to develop the country’s shale gas potential.

The EBRD isn't working - job creation still not central to investments

Kurt Bayer, until recently Austria’s executive director at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, has for several years maintained an interesting blog covering issues such as the Eurozone crisis and development finance more generally. Following his departure from the EBRD, might we start seeing a few more revealing insights from Mr Bayer about life – and some of its frustrations – at 1 Exchange Square, London?

The partnership principle in the early stages of programming - experiences from CEE countries

The partnership principle is one of the main principles of Cohesion Policy. Even though still under negotiation it is foreseeable that the new legislation for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 will enshrine substantial progress in further establishing the partnership principle, i.e. providing for a comprehensive involvement of EU Cohesion Policy stakeholders into planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EU funds’ investments. This document aims to present the divergence between the agreed principles of the partnership and current experiences in central and eastern European countries.

Bogus logic in Ukraine: A nature reserve not worth protecting


If you thought the purpose of a nature reserve is to protect wildlife from disruptive human interference, then you're wrong – at least when it comes to nature that's in the way of electricity infrastructure in Ukraine.

Good news: EBRD drops controversial Monsanto project


A potential cooperation between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the agro-corporation Monsanto has thankfully not come to fruition. The case highlights the difficulties for a large development bank to reach farmers on the ground.

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