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No half measures - Investment needs in energy efficiency and renewables in the CEE countries

The study offers an overview of estimated investment needs of CEE countries and compares them with the amounts currently earmarked for low-carbon economy, energy efficiency and renewables in the European Commission proposals on Cohesion policy and the Multi-annual Financial Framework.

Money lost, safety postponed: On the mismanagement in Ukraine's energy sector


A recent audit showed that Ukraine lacks good management at least as much as finances to reform its energy sector. EU money is meanwhile siding with a tainted company.

Allegations of corruption in Slovenia and across the EU

Source: Piotr Trzaskowski, Public Service Europe

Despite fines and alleged scandals, questionable companies win new contracts every day and posts impressive profits – claims campaign group

Parliament: do not let Poland hijack green agenda

Source: Markus Trilling, EuObserver

Warsaw's latest battle against efforts to 'green' Europe's economy is being played out in the European Parliament's regional affairs committee. Polish-designed technical texts could kill the environment-friendly criteria attached to the next €1 trillion EU budget.

Polish Power-Station Free Carbon Bid Breaks Law:Greenpeace

Source: Ewa Kurowska, Bloomberg

Poland broke European Union law when unbuilt power stations were permitted to apply for free carbon allowances last year, Greenpeace and three other climate charities said.

EBRD energy lending report: conflicting investments end up contradicting climate science

London – Almost half of the 6.7 billion euros lent by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) between 2006-2011 goes to support for fossil fuels, according to a report issued today by CEE Bankwatch Network. Support for coal, oil and gas must be discontinued altogether, argues Bankwatch, if the bank’s commendable efforts on increasing financing for renewables and energy efficiency are to have a positive impact in the global fight against climate change.

Khimki Forest activist wins Goldman Environmental Prize


One of this year's winners of the Goldman Environmental Prize is Russian Khimki Forest defender Evgenia Chirikova, but the good news is being overshadowed by continued violence against other Khimki activists.

Yet another bail-out package? A comeback to 'The Vienna Initiative and financial stability in emerging Europe'


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development promotes the support for western European banks in central and eastern Europe although evidence for this initiative's success is disputable at best.

Zombie reactors in Ukraine


While the European Union is trying to help Ukraine's political transition, Europe's financial support is cementing the country's dependence on an outdated and highly unsafe nuclear sector. To avoid further instability and political and environmental risks, European institutions need to offer better oversight and funding for alternative energy sources.

Romania: New coal plants to be built with EU aid for greening economy

Bucharest – One of the eight Member States applying for EU help consisting of free of charge GHG emissions allowances from 2013 to 2019, Romania intends to implement investments which will lead to maintaining or even increasing the high share of coal in the country’s electricity production, thus contradicting the goals of the EU aid scheme.

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