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Public-private partnerships in the EU at lowest level for ten years, but more blood transfusions from project bonds coming soon


Although public-private partnerships appear to become increasingly untenable for public authorities, they are further being promoted by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank. An official in-depth evaluation of this financing model, however, is still nowhere to be seen.

That's what they call sustainable. The EBRD's 10 billion for sustainable energy


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development boasts of having invested 10 billion euros in sustainable energy since 2006. A closer look reveals that although the bank's efforts deserve recognition, several investments make a mockery of 'sustainability'.

How Ukraine can survive without nuclear - renewable energy potentials reviewed


A closer look at Ukraine's energy strategy reveals fundamental flaws in the government's plans to continue using old nuclear reactors and its rhetoric of nuclear being the only possible alternative.

Covering the Balkans in Soot: The New European Energy Community Strategy Favours Fossil Fuel Reliance

Brussels -- Neighbouring countries of the EU from the Western Balkans to Ukraine are planning unsustainable energy futures relying on coal and nuclear. An energy strategy for the region to be approved Thursday by the European Energy Community indicates that such investments in dirty fuels could happen with EU support and financing.

When loyalty blocks climate action - Polish parliament pledges allegiance


The Polish government has a sad reputation for adopting unilateral, even obscure approaches when it comes to our country’s energy policy. What now came as a very disappointing surprise is that the Polish parliament joined the opportunistic chorus of denial - one that considers alternatives to the continued reliance on fossil fuels as a threat to Poland’s security.

Comments on draft European Energy Community Strategy - an unsustainable energy future

Neighbouring countries of the EU from the Western Balkans to Ukraine are planning unsustainable energy futures relying on coal and nuclear. The energy strategy of the European Energy Community indicates continued reliance on coal and nuclear energy which could happen with EU support and financing.

Can Ukraine abandon nuclear energy? Yes we can

This briefing examines how Ukraine can reduce its dependency on nuclear energy, without sacrificing its ability to meet demands. The results show that Ukraine could very well satisfy its electricity needs even when it shuts down expired nuclear power plants, does not built new ones, and neither increases the use of coal in thermal power plants.

Letter to President of Ukraine calling for veto against Khmelnistky nuclear units

Bankwatch and its members appeal to Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine, to stop the Ukrainian government's plans to construct two new nuclear units at the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant. The letter asks Yanukovych to use his vetoing power and not sign the relevant law that was adopted by Ukraine's parliament on 6 September 2012, since the law is in direct violation of Ukraine’s international obligations.

EBRD should not invest in Polish energy company suspected of corruption, say European NGOs

Warsaw – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is considering participating in a EUR 772 million loan for a subsidiary of major Polish energy group ENEA, whose management is currently being investigated by authorities because of alleged irregularities in management and misuse of public funds.

Another case of alleged corruption in a CEE energy company


Alleged corruption at Poland’s second biggest state-owned energy company ENEA S.A. may compromise yet another project financed by European public banks.

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