Home >> Get Involved >> Alerts >> EURATOM loan to Ukraine nuclear programme must not go ahead

EURATOM loan to Ukraine nuclear programme must not go ahead

The European Commission plans to decide on a EURATOM loan for Ukraine's nuclear programme even though it is in breach with the Espoo Convention. This basically means that despite the risks there was no environmental impact assessment and that neighbouring countries were not consulted. (Read more details in our press release from April.)

Help us express our opposition and (politely!) ask EU Commissioners Potocnik (Environment) and Fule (Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy) to freeze the proceedings for this untimely loan.

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You could write for example the following:

Dear Commissioner Potocnik,
I've learned that the European Commission plans to decide on a EURATOM loan for Ukraine's nuclear safety upgrade programme. In March, the Implementation Committee under the Espoo Convention ruled that the programme is in breach of the Convention for lack of an environmental impact assessment and proper consultations with neighbouring countries. I call on you to freeze the decision until Ukraine resolves the issue to the satisfaction of the Espoo Implementation Committee.

Either way, please remember to be polite!

Thanks for your support! It's in all our interests.

Iryna Holovko/Bankwatch
