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David Hoffman's blog

Video: Spirited away - Mongolia's mining boom and the people that development left behind


Earlier this week we published an overview of two Central Asian mining projects financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - the Kumtor gold mine in Kyrgyzstan and the Ukhaa Khudag coal mine in Mongolia's south Gobi desert, which is part of the much larger - in fact the world's largest - coal deposit at Tavan Tolgoi.

The recap on recapitalisation


As the eurozone crisis continues to unfold, lending from international financial institutions to the banking sector must be held to the task of supporting the most vulnerable - especially the SMEs in CEE - or it will continue to perform largely unsuccessful and unchecked as it has during the crisis to date.

Video: Polish perspectives on the EU presidency

Today Poland takes the helm of the EU presidency, but the country's recent move to unilaterally block a 25 percent reduction target for EU carbon emissions has solidified expectations that Poland would hinder a more ambitious EU climate policy agenda.

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