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[Campaign update] World Bank non-compliant with its own resettlement policies in Kosovo


The World Bank has this week published the Investigation Report of its Inspection Panel for the involuntary resettlement of residents in the village of Hade near Pristina in Kosovo. The investigation, undertaken following a complaint by current and former Hade residents and KOSID, confirms that considerable and un-repairable damage was caused to Hade residents during displacement, in order to open the way for the mines of the proposed "Kosova e Re" power plant.

'Southern Graft Corridor' or the shady history of companies involved in Europe's pet energy project


A new Bankwatch study reveals a worrying track record of criminal and corrupt activities among the companies that are building Europe’s flagship gas pipeline project, the Southern Gas Corridor.

Backdoor for coal subsidies remains half open under new EU rules


While it may seem like a gesture to coal-dependent countries such as Poland, the Winter Package of EU energy market rules, presented yesterday (30 November), will make using coal subsidies more difficult.

Here be dragons: How the EU bank's development finance overlooks people at risk


The European Investment Bank’s failure in safeguarding the most vulnerable groups in its projects shows it is ill-equipped to help refugees and host communities in the European Union’s neighbourhood. A new report explains the bank’s weaknesses in identifying and responding to human rights risks.

The sound and the fury: new film documents the plight of communities near Romanian coal plant


Oppressive noise and a cloud of dust engulf the residents of Roșia de Jiu and Rogojel, villages located next to Romania’s Rovinari power plant. In a new video, Bankwatch Romania has documented the toll that producing coal energy is having on these communities that live near the lignite mines, transport belts and power plant at Rovinari.

Deceptive promises of new jobs in the coal sector don't help workers, communities or the climate


Now is the time for southeast Europe to start an inclusive and just transition away from lignite, argues new Bankwatch research.

New cases at UN and EU bodies against Ukraine's prolongation of nuclear licenses


As pressure from civil society and governments is mounting, UN and EU bodies acknowledge Ukraine’s lack of accountability for plans to extend the lifetime of its nuclear fleet. The country could be found in breach of international law. Once again.

[Campaign update] Independent monitoring shows massive air pollution near Bosnian lignite plant


Air pollution in the town of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina was above legally allowed limits on twelve of 20 consecutive days as measurements made by Bankwatch and the Tuzla-based environmental group Center for Ecology and Energy show.

Too good to be true? Assessing one year of the Investment Plan for Europe


Europe is hemorrhaging cash in deeply unsustainable projects like motorways, airports and gas infrastructure.

Guest post: China stokes global coal growth


China cuts coal at home but state owned companies and banks drive new coal expansion overseas, despite top level promises of green growth for developing countries, writes Beth Walker from China Dialogue.

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