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Namibian smelter expansion risks deepening environmental and health problems


As it nears two years of a Bankwatch visit to the copper smelter in Namibia and the uncovering of an unsafe arsenic disposal site, a planned expansion has revealed so far undisclosed environmental information.

Southern Gas Corridor update: Russian involvement increasingly evident


While new public finance for the Southern Gas Corridor is lining up, the European Commission's narrative that the pipeline would relieve Europe’s dependence on Russian gas continues to crumble.

Commission must involve the people in next EU budget debate


French President Emmanuel Macron is right to propose public debates on the Future of Europe. But the EU budget is where change will first manifest itself.

Nuclear safety in Europe: decision-making behind closed doors?


European citizens don’t want to be left out of decision-making over nuclear power. But a recent meeting of the Espoo Convention reveals how concerns over reactor life-time extensions are being sidelined.

Nuclear accountability curbed by EU politics and industry interests


A meeting of the parties to the UN convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context (Espoo) helped to showcase the influence that politics and the nuclear industry lobby have over decisions that have potentially severe impacts on European citizens’ health and the environment.

Guest post: A win for citizen activism after UNESCO asks Macedonia to stop all construction projects on Lake Ohrid


After a field visit to the Lake Ohrid in Macedonia, the UNESCO requested the Macedonian government to halt construction projects in the area, one of which is supported by the European Bank For Reconstruction and Development.

[Campaign update] EU urged to act on Western Balkans smog after alarming pollution levels were found


Results of more than half a year of independent air pollution monitoring in the Balkans have been launched today. During a conference at the European Parliament, MEPs, European Commission and Energy Community representatives, NGOs and citizens groups called for urgent action on air pollution in the Western Balkans.

Western Balkans holds breath for better air quality


In the Western Balkans, air pollution can be a fatal problem, made worse by some of those countries’ energy policies. Ioana Ciuta sheds light on the region’s developing crisis, which is claiming lives at an alarming rate.

Women and hydropower: exacerbating vulnerability without resettlement


The disproportionate impacts that the Nenskra hydropower project in Georgia will have on women are not being assessed by the project company, in spite of its financiers’ standards.

What will it take to make Balkan leaders realise new coal plants are a liability, not a gold mine?


Almost all the countries in the Balkan region are planning to build new coal power plants, but there has been virtually no mention of the need for them to comply with new pollution standards.

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