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Advocacy letter | February 18, 2011

The General Affairs Council on Monday, February 21 will draw conclusions on the 5th cohesion report. On this occasion, Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe remind EU member states and ministers attending the council of the importance of implementing the recommendations in the European Commission's communication 'Regional policy contributing to sustainable growth in Europe 2020' (pdf).

Official document | February 9, 2011

Bankwatch's Serbian member group Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development (CEKOR) has worked together with three Serbian human rights organisations on a shadow report complementing the country's official statement to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Analysing the legal and factual status of Roma in Serbia, the shadow report draws heavily on examples from the Gazela bridge rehabilitation project in Belgrade.

Policy comments | February 1, 2011

The examination was initiated by a coalition of environmental NGOs and carried out by 18 experts in the field of environmental protection, environmental law, forestry, urban planning and transport development. It was handed over to Russian president Medvedev on February 1, 2011.

Policy comments | January 31, 2011

Bankwatch's comments support the introduction of a biowaste directive as the only way to implement the EU waste hierarchy in central-eastern European (CEE) countries.

Policy comments | January 31, 2011

On the occasion of the 5th Cohesion Forum, the Coalition for Sustainable EU Funds lays out their common vision on the future Cohesion Policy in this paper.

Policy comments | January 31, 2011

For several years now, Bankwatch has monitored EU budget support in east European Neighbourhood Partnership (ENP) countries. In our submission to the public consultation we reflect on how EU budget support can become more effective and efficient for countries within the ENP/ENPI framework.

Policy comments | January 28, 2011

Bankwatch's submission draws heavily on earlier comments (pdf) provided by Bankwatch and the Global Transparency Initiative during the 2007/2008 PIP review but also includes amendments from our experiences with the current policy's implementation. A particular cause for concern is the lack of transparency in case of global loans given to financial intermediaries.

Advocacy letter | January 20, 2011

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is considering financing the Nabucco gas pipeline project. Should the IFC decide to finance the project, it risks repeating the serious economic, environmental, social and human rights mistakes associated with the Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan (BTC) and Chad-Cameroon pipeline projects and involving the World Bank Group in another highly problematic, politicized and economically and environmentally unsustainable project.

Briefing | January 20, 2011

The European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development can play a crucial role in a transition of the Polish energy market towards energy efficient energy production based on renewable energies.

Advocacy letter | January 19, 2011

Bankwatch welcomes the European Commissions "A resource efficient Europe - flagship initiative of the Europe 2020 Strategy" as an effort to build a holistic approach to resource efficiency. This letter suggests further priority measures that should guide this initiative and proposes an integration of resource efficiency in different EU policies and actions.

Advocacy letter | December 17, 2010

While the EBRD has repeatedly expressed its concerns about the project development process for this project, it has so far refrained from making any final decisions on whether to finance the road or not. We believe the time has now come for the bank to clearly and publicly withdraw from the project.

Advocacy letter | December 17, 2010

While the EIB has repeatedly assured of its efforts to improve the project's planning and public consultation process, recent developments show that these efforts have not been successful. We believe the time has now come for the bank to clearly and publicly withdraw from the project.

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Study | December 8, 2010

In 2008, the EIB's deployed an additional EUR 15 billion to its 'global loan' lending - as a response to the financial crisis and the difficulty for small and media sized enterprises to access finance. In essence, the package appears to have remained to a large extent in the intermediary banks, the initial recipients of the funding.

Study | December 7, 2010

In 2007 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) provided a USD 90 million loan to the second largest supermarket operator in Ukraine - the Furshet Group - for the regional expansion of its chain in Ukraine and Moldova. The aim of this research was to examine labour/gender conditions at supermarkets in respect of employee rights and discrimination at work, resulting in recommendations how Furshet and the EBRD can improve the employees' situation.

Briefing | November 26, 2010

The issue paper provides facts about the EIB's performance in the transport sector since the approval of the current transport policy in 2007. While transport investments represent a large share of the EIB's portfolio in the EU 27, transport GHG emissions in the EU are continuously rising.