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Advocacy letter | March 28, 2011

The letter to representatives of the UN Global Compact gives details on the failure to respect commitments under the Global Compact initiative by the construction company Vinci in connection with the Moscow St. Petersburg motorway project (near Khimki).

Advocacy letter | March 25, 2011

Consultations for the future Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) has not been promoted adequately to attract attention and inputs from civil society. Bankwatch and its partners and members from the Western Balkan region therefore request to prolong the consultation period and promote the call for consultations more widely.

Policy comments | March 23, 2011

The European Commission's announced plans to give the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction leading roles in promoting democratisation and development in the Southern Mediterranean region.

Counter Balance and Bankwatch are concerned that both institutions first need to demonstrate their ability to bring environmentally sustainable and socially positive development impacts. We also call for an immediate investigation into the EIB financing to the Mediterranean so far, to examine whether corrupted elites have benefited from the bank's loans.

Advocacy letter | March 23, 2011

As a result of the recent revolts in the Southern Mediterranean, the European Commission proposed March 8 that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development be given a leading role in promoting democratisation and development in the region. But NGOs argue that the EBRD's mandate should not be expanded for the foreseeable future.

Policy comments | March 22, 2011

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's transition indicators for some time already were rather disconnected from the situation in the EBRD's countries of operation. Our comments are premised on the point that the ultimate goal of transition is not only a market economy, but an environmentally sustainable and socially just one.

Briefing | March 15, 2011

Over the past few years, a series of strategies, agreements and loans have brought the EU and Ukraine into closer cooperation on perpetuating nuclear and carbon-intensive energy infrastructure and generation, with international financial institutions (IFIs) brokering the deals.

Policy comments | March 11, 2011

Responding to the European Commission's conclusions of the fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion, the statement by Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe responds to the questions:

  • How could the Europe 2020 Strategy and cohesion policy be brought closer together at EU, national and sub-national levels?
  • Should the scope of the development and investment partnership contract go beyond cohesion policy and, if so, what should it be?
Policy comments | March 7, 2011

The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) strategy paper 2007-2013 for the eastern neighbourhood region involves contradictory strategic objectives. The first of these is sustainable development and environmental protection, which underpins all EU legislation and policies. However, the second priority, the need to ensure the diversification and security of energy supplies to the EU, emphasises the need for further extraction and transportation of the Caspian Seas oil and gas resources to Europe, and thus prioritises it over the development of an environmentally friendly energy sector within the region.

Official document | February 28, 2011

The complaint, filed with the European Investment Bank by Focus Association for Sustainable Development (SI) calls on the bank to withdraw its approval for the project.

The complaint addresses the following aspects:

  • premature disbursement of funds
  • failure to assess the project's compatibility with the 2050 climate targets
  • misleading claims that TEŠ 6 is only a replacement and not an expansion
  • missing clear governmental support to the project
Policy comments | February 25, 2011

The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) gives countries outside the EU the perspective and opportunity to move beyond cooperation to a significant degree of integration. But when it comes to the eastern European neighbourhood partner countries, the assumption that political and social rights will flow and develop as an automatic consequence of economic liberalisation, is only that - an assumption.

Advocacy letter | February 23, 2011

A coalition of major Russian NGOs is urging President Barrosso to make sure that EU financing institutions halt their participation in toll motorway projects in Russia until there are serious improvements in the human rights and public participation situation associated with these projects.

Advocacy letter | February 23, 2011

Authorities in Slovakia are planning to reallocate EU funds initially destined for the support of education, science, employment, regional development, the fight against social exclusion as well as rail development in favour of disputable construction of motorways. (Similar moves are also planned in Poland and the Czech Republic.)

26 Slovakian environmental and social NGOs have called on their government and EU institutions to put a stop to the reallocation. According to the groups, the reallocation is contradictory to both national legislation and EU funds decision-making rules.