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Bankwatch input to the EC's consultation on bio-waste recycling targets

Bankwatch's comments support the introduction of a biowaste directive as the only way to implement the EU waste hierarchy in central-eastern European (CEE) countries.

As good as the EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD) and the EU Landfill Directive are, without a specific law to clarify the biowaste regime they create perverse effects. While the landfill directive has led to more recycling measures in some member states, it has also made others, especially in CEE to plan on increasing incineration and treatment rates in order to reduce landfill volumes.

Without binding biowaste recycling targets, member states rushing, to meet targets set out in the landfill directive, will continue to resort to incinerators and existing disposal facilities, neglecting more sustainable and profitable waste management options in the long-term.
