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Advocacy letter | March 3, 2017

A global group of non-governmental organizations today called on the World Bank, European Investment Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency, German Development Bank- KFW, French Agency for Development, and other international financial institutions involved with the Olkaria I, IV, and V geothermal projects in Kenya to take immediate action and demand that the project promoter, Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited (KenGen), withdraw all legal charges against Maasai community members who have raised concerns regarding these projects.

Advocacy letter | February 27, 2017

This statement was signed by 233 organisation.

As we mark the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, we have a momentous opportunity to take stock of how far Europe has come – and how far we still have to go in order to offer a sustainable and prosperous future to everyone in Europe. It is an opportunity that we call on you, the leaders of Europe, to seize with both hands. We call on you to show leadership, vision and courage to set Europe on the path to a sustainable future which realises the rights of all people and respects planetary boundaries.

Advocacy letter | February 16, 2017
Advocacy letter | January 23, 2017

This letter to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's Board of Directors summarises civil society organisations' concerns regarding bank's Project Complaints Mechanism, specifically the handling of several complaints, and makes specific recommendations for improvements, based on experience with these cases and with the accountability mechanisms of other institutions.

Advocacy letter | January 20, 2017

An inquiry from Polish and European NGOs to the EIB about its planned support of EUR 250 million for the modernisation and extension of Polish utility Energa’s electricity distribution network.

Briefing | January 15, 2017

The European Investment Bank is known to have provided over EUR 22 million for the construction of at least 19 small and mini hydropower plants through financial intermediaries in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia between 2010 and 2014.2 However, the public has in most cases no idea which ones, thus creating a major hole in the bank’s accountability.

Briefing | January 13, 2017

In September 2016 the European Commission published its proposal for the prolongation of the EFSI until 2020, to be achieved by amending the existing regulation. We welcome several improvements, but are concerned that they fall short of properly tackling the challenges and shortcomings identified, namely to provide additionality and catalyse the unambiguous move to reduce GHG reductions. On the basis of our in depth report Best Laid Plans, which analysed the 93 projects approved until July 2016 and further analysis of the EFSI entire portfolio till the end of 2016 under the Infrastructure and Innovation Window (IIW), we consider that the EFSI regulation needs considerable improvements in the energy area.

Advocacy letter | December 20, 2016

Ahead of an expected loan decision by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank for the TANAP pipeline, non-governmental organisations raised concerns over financing a project of this size in a country under martial law where the human rights situation is deteriorating continuously.