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Briefing | April 11, 2016

Within the framework of the EU’s 2030 climate and energy policies, the Modernisation Fund aims to support lower-income Member States in meeting their investment needs related to energy efficiency, including financing small-scale investments projects and the modernisation of energy systems. Based on experience with funding mechanisms at the European Investment Bank, the European Commission and the EU budget, this briefing recommends several structural elements for the establishment of the Fund.

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Study | April 11, 2016

This report examines a selection of cases monitored by CEE Bankwatch Network and its partners in recent years and highlights some of the weaknesses observed in the EBRD’s approach to environmental, social, democracy and development issues.

On 15 April 2016 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will mark its 25th anniversary. This opportunity should kick-start a debate about what the London-based public bank has achieved since it started operations in 1991 and to reflect on its future.

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Study | April 7, 2016

Countries of the European Neighbourhood have received a boost to their energy sectors in the last decade, thanks in part to the prominent role played by the EU as a catalyst of both policy reforms and financing. This study examines EU financing for the energy sector in 16 countries of the European Neighbourhood between 2007 and 2014.

Official document | April 6, 2016

Eleven years after the European Investment Bank’s decision to support the construction of the Nam Theun 2 Dam in Laos and after the International Panel of Experts found social and environmental programmes to fail in mitigating the project's impacts, CEE Bankwatch Network submitted this complaint to the EIB Complaints Office with regards to maladministration in the EIB's appraisal and monitoring of the project.

Advocacy letter | March 9, 2016

In this declaration, the community of Khaishi, a village in the mountains in north west Georgia, called for a the cancellation of the contract for the construction of the 700MW Khudoni dam. Khaishi residents demand the recognition of customary land rights and the inclusion of Svans into the decision-making over the project.

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Study | March 7, 2016

The study shows how the European Investment Bank (EIB) has valid reasons to start embracing the energy efficiency first principle and implement it in its lending decision: significant energy savings will be needed regardless of the climate mitigation route taken and to enable the proper roll out of its climate strategy and lead the energy transition. The study looks at how the EIB can do this through its lending policies and financial decisions.

Briefing | February 29, 2016

This brief analysis provides a basic overview of how Chapter II and related annexes (esp Annex I) of the EU Directive 2010/75/EU (Industrial Emissions Directive, hereinafter also IED) could be included as part of the legally binding framework of the Energy Community.

Briefing | February 29, 2016

Among the acts that introduce instruments and regulations for environmental protection into the Energy Community Treaty instruments relating to air quality protection are clearly missing.

Briefing | February 25, 2016

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is in the early stage of assessing a loan for the 280 megawatt Nenskra hydropower plant, located on the Nenskra and Nakra rivers in the Caucasus mountain valleys inhabited by ethnic Svans. The poor quality assessment of the project, together with the neglect of the opinion of locals, threatens to aggravate the fading public acceptance of hydropower. With this project, the EIB and other potential international financiers have a chance to insist on changes to the imprudent course hydropower developments have taken in Georgia and to request tighter environmental and social regulations.

Official document | February 16, 2016

This complaint, filed by Bankwatch, Client Earth and Counter Balance with the European Investment Bank's complaint mechanism, addresses non-compliance of the European Investment Bank's Transparency Policy with EU and international law on access to information.

Briefing | February 12, 2016

The so-called European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) should unlock additional investment of at least EUR 315 bn over a three year period (2015-2018). One of the projects benefiting from the loans is the intended “third industrial revolution” in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, which incorporates numerous smaller projects all working for the same goal: A zero carbon energy system for the entire region. The particular financing mix could potentially serve as a good example for an investment platform under EFSI.

Study | February 11, 2016

This report summarises the mining activity proposed by Oyu Tolgoi in its Phase 2 development plan, describes the block caving underground mining technology planned for the large deep ore body to be mined in Phase 2, environmental impacts and reclamation potential of block cave mines, and issues and risks associated with future OT power supply, international metal market price uncertainties, and OT Phase 1 and 2 impacts on water resources and herders and their livelihood in the region surrounding the OT mine license area.

Briefing | February 2, 2016

For the last decade, the government of Georgia has promoted hydropower as a way of tackling energy security and turning the country into a regional energy player. The EBRD has been one of the key catalysts of this hydro boom. Yet the presence of the EBRD and other international financial institutions has not been enough to ensure the development of comprehensive energy strategies, robust project assessments and meaningful public consultations. The potential for social and environmental problems is therefore prevalent. The Nenskra hydropower plant is yet another project that lacks the proper assessment and has failed to gain acceptance from the local communities.

Briefing | February 1, 2016

Myronivsky Hliboproduct PJSC, also known as MHP, is a long-term client of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Following loands in 2013 and 2010, the EBRD approved a USD 85 million loan on 28 October 2015 to support MHP's agricultural working capital needs. While the agricultural sector is widely viewed as one of the engines of the Ukrainian economy, MHP's operations are having a range of negative impacts on local communities.

Briefing | February 1, 2016

As part of its new EUR 200 million loan to the Serbian electricity company EPS, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development aims to assist with “identifying opportunities to improve environmental, safety, social, and labour governance and capacity, and on helping EPS to develop a more strategic approach to managing these issues”. As outlined in this briefing, so far the EBRD's fifteen-year partnership with EPS has not brought visible improvements in company practices and it is high time for the bank to prove that its engagement can add value.