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Briefing | May 5, 2017

Serbia’s national electricity company (EPS) – despite its long-standing relationship with the EBRD, and despite Serbia‘s obligation to align its legislation to the EU’s environmental, competition, human rights and climate policies – does not plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to change the structure of its electricity mix in favour of renewables, or to respect human rights.

Briefing | May 5, 2017

In spite of massive backing by public financial sources, Ukraine’s monopolist poultry producer does not implement relevant EU and EBRD standards, and the EBRD has said it is satisfied that the company’s operations are in compliance with national law, which is anyway not the case at present.

Briefing | May 5, 2017

Ukrainian company Myronivsky Hliboproduct PJSC (MHP) is a long-term client of both the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation. MHP development has faced local opposition in a number of communities. Activists leading the opposition to MHP operations seem to have been framed for drug-related offences and/or beaten. Information on the incidents listed below is available in the public domain, however, they show only the tip of the iceberg.

Briefing | May 5, 2017

While the EBRD is currently considering loans for the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and TANAP, both part of the Southern Gas Corridor, the bank should asses the reputational and financial risks of involvement in the project.

Briefing | May 5, 2017

Mongolia’s fragile economic situation, with its high deficit and increasing foreign debt, is putting the country on a risk map for foreign investment. Even so, the government and international financial institutions show no sign of adjusting their plans so that the country could move to a more sustainable path of development.

Briefing | May 5, 2017

There have been a number of irregularities with the planning of the Bratislava D4/R7 project that have stirred public criticism about the imprudent spending of public money. This briefing presents a summary of the facts and allegations that can be seen as corrupt and fraudulent practices which threaten the misuse of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's funds and jeopardise the bank’s reputation.

Briefing | May 5, 2017

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is in the process of assessing a loan for the 280 megawatt Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia. In March supplementary environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) were released in order to bring the project in line with the standards of the prospective international financiers. Yet the new ESIA is ‘too little, too late’ for a project that is underlined by no strategic

Briefing | May 5, 2017

Disbursing public money via private-sector controlled financial intermediaries (FIs) is a means to an end: reaching a larger set of smaller beneficiaries. It has its strong rationale, in particular when it comes to renewable energy projects that, in contrast to traditional energy projects, tend to be smaller in size and dispersed over larger areas. Nevertheless, these financial means must not contravene the ends that multilaterals such as the EBRD have in their mandate or the standards prescribed by their policies.

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Study | May 3, 2017

This report is meant as a background document for civil society in Mongolia and international groups to advocate for increased transparency and participation in priority energy projects; improved forecasts of power demand and alternatives for the sustainable development of the energy sector to benefit people and the environment and meet Mongolia’s commitments towards climate change mitigation; and an increased share of renewable energy in the Mongolian energy mix along with removing fiscal and financial barriers for renewable projects.

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Briefing | March 29, 2017

This briefing analyses ten coal-fired power plant projects across the Western Balkans and finds that, once the cost of carbon emissions allowances are factored in, they could become a serious liability for both the companies involved and the public.

Advocacy letter | March 6, 2017

A global group of non-governmental organizations today called on the World Bank, European Investment Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency, German Development Bank- KFW, French Agency for Development, and other international financial institutions involved with the Olkaria I, IV, and V geothermal projects in Kenya to take immediate action and demand that the project promoter, Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited (KenGen), withdraw all legal charges against Maasai community members who have raised concerns regarding these projects.