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Moscow - St.Petersburg motorway PPP, Russian Federation


In October 2010 at a meeting with the European Commission it was confirmed that the EIB and EBRD have both stopped preparing for participation in the project. While the EBRD has declared not to finance the motorway section, the EIB has only put their involvement on hold.

However Bankwatch remains vigilant to any change in the circumstances and continues supporting the Movement to Defend Khimki Forest that is still facing threats by Russian authorities.

Find background information on the project below.

For images from the forest and protests, visit the movement's website.



The 43-km section of the Moscow - St Petersburg motorway near Moscow is expected to cost a massive EUR 1.5 billion. The motorway is to be a toll road constructed through a public-private partnership, in spite of the problems experienced with such models elsewhere, and a contract with a consortium including French construction company Vinci was signed on 27 July 2009.

The road has attracted lively opposition, as just outside Moscow, it is planned to pass through Khimki Forest Park, a protected natural area with rich wildlife including relic oak groves. It is a natural habitat for elks, boars and other wild animals, and is of great importance to local people living in this polluted and densely populated region. Among those opposing the planned variant of the road are the local Movement to Defend the Khimki Forest, the Moscow Duma, state ecological monitoring body Rosprirodnadzor, the Moscow State Department for Conservation and Natural Resources, most Russian political parties (except the ruling one), Greenpeace Russia and more than 15,000 citizens who have signed a petition to preserve Khimki Forest.

Most local people found out about the project by accident in 2007 when preliminary survey work was carried out in Khimki Forest. It sparked public outrage and mass protests, which have been met with aggressive responses. Activists have been arrested and meetings and tent camps systematically attacked. In November 2008 one of the activists, local journalist Mikhail Beketov, was brutally beaten. As a result, he became seriously disabled and is still undergoing hospital treatment.

The Movement to Defend Khimki Forest is appealing to the international financial institutions not to finance the project unless the route is changed to avoid Khimki Forest. They point out that a straighter route variant exists, alongside an existing railway line, which would most likely cost less.



In an interview he gave Bankwatch on the occasion of the EU-Russia civil society forum in Prague (March 28, 2011), Jaroslav Nikitenko from the Movement to defend Khimki forest describes the harassment and intimidation Muscovite activists have faced in their campaign to protect the Khimki forest:




Latest developments


Blog entry | April 10, 2013

The news circulated yesterday that Mikhail Beketov, a Russian journalist who campaigned against corrupt practices in connection to the planned highway construction through Khimki Forest, has died. This guest post by Mikhail Matveev and Ivan Smirnov, fellow Khimki activists, tells Beketov's story.

Blog entry | April 16, 2012

One of this year's winners of the Goldman Environmental Prize is Russian Khimki Forest defender Evgenia Chirikova, but the good news is being overshadowed by continued violence against other Khimki activists.

Blog entry | May 4, 2011

The Khimki Forest in Russia might see its end signed and sealed this month. But Russian activists have continued their actions to defend Khimki forest also today by carrying out a citizens' inspection to prevent the still illegal felling of trees.

Press release | April 30, 2011

An opaque web of offshore companies and oligarchs behind the controversial Moscow–St. Petersburg motorway public-private partnership provides new grounds for the Russian government to re-examine the project, according to new research by CEE Bankwatch Network and the Movement to Defend Khimki Forest, published today.

Blog entry | April 28, 2011

More than 20,000 people have signed a petition to demand Vinci's withdrawal from the construction of a highway section through the Khimki Forest in Russia.


Policy comments | February 1, 2011

The examination was initiated by a coalition of environmental NGOs and carried out by 18 experts in the field of environmental protection, environmental law, forestry, urban planning and transport development. It was handed over to Russian president Medvedev on February 1, 2011.

Advocacy letter | December 17, 2010

While the EBRD has repeatedly expressed its concerns about the project development process for this project, it has so far refrained from making any final decisions on whether to finance the road or not. We believe the time has now come for the bank to clearly and publicly withdraw from the project.

Advocacy letter | December 17, 2010

While the EIB has repeatedly assured of its efforts to improve the project's planning and public consultation process, recent developments show that these efforts have not been successful. We believe the time has now come for the bank to clearly and publicly withdraw from the project.

Policy comments | September 30, 2010

The European Commission (EC) has recently invited inputs to its consultation on an initiative on concessions that aims to improve the rules for concession contracts in the EU. PPP advocates insist on their cost-effectiveness, timely completion rates and the sharing of financial risk - yet so far the evidence for these claims is decidedly mixed. In our comments we call for a thorough and independent assessment of the performance of PPPs so far and their financial and social impact.