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Revealed: the EU's flagship energy project is built by companies with a legacy of corruption

No less than 15 firms contracted to build the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP), the two main sections of the so-called Southern Gas Corridor, have been implicated in various forms of corruption in the past, according to a CEE Bankwatch Network report published today.

Risky business - Who benefits from the Southern Gas Corridor

The Southern Gas Corridor, a string of pipelines meant to bring gas from Azerbaijan into Europe, is presented as a panacea for all ills and is set to benefit from some of the biggest loans in the history of European public banks. But as this report reveals, Europe's flagship energy project is set to benefit a host of companies and individuals with a particularly shady track record. Several companies contracted to build the Southern Gas Corridor have a worrying history of corruption.

'Southern Graft Corridor' or the shady history of companies involved in Europe's pet energy project


A new Bankwatch study reveals a worrying track record of criminal and corrupt activities among the companies that are building Europe’s flagship gas pipeline project, the Southern Gas Corridor.

The role of the French multinational Vinci in construction of Moscow–Saint Petersburg motorway

Source: Crime Russia, Crime Russia

The case on French company Vinci’s participating in construction of Moscow–Saint Petersburg motorway is to become a legal precedent. The Khimki Forest Defense activists brought the investigating judge Nanter in the exposure of the scheme on withdrawal of Russian public money to various offshore companies.

NGOs file a complaint against Vinci Russia for corruption of foreign public officials in Khimki Forest motorway case

A complaint filed last week is requesting an investigation into alleged corruption involving French company Vinci in the construction of a controversial motorway through Khimki Forest near Moscow. The complaint was filed to Nanterre's chief investigating judge by civil society groups Sherpa and CEE Bankwatch Network, activists Evgenia Tchirikova and Mikhail Matveev, and with the support of Princip, defenders of the Khimki forest.

2 ONG déposent plainte contre Vinci Russie pour corruption d'agent public étranger

Source: Béatrice Héraud, novethic

Après une première plainte déposée il y a trois ans contre Vinci concessions Russie SA, Sherpa récidive.

L’association s’est alliée à CEE Bankwatch Network pour porter plainte avec constitution de partie civile auprès du doyen des juges d'instruction de Nanterre. Une action soutenue par Princip, une association de défense de la fôret de Khimki. Elles accusent l’entreprise de corruption d'agent public étranger dans le cadre de l'attribution du marché de construction du tronçon de l'autoroute MK 15-58.

NGOs welcome enquiry by Paris prosecutor into financial crimes related to the VINCI CONCESSIONS RUSSIE SA Moscow-St. Petersburg motorway

Paris, 3 October 2013 - Today’s announcement by the Paris Prosecutor to open a preliminary enquiry into financial crimes related to the construction of a motorway between Moscow and St. Petersburg [1] has been welcomed by NGOs Sherpa, Russie-Libertés, CEE Bankwatch Network, MOBO Princip, and members of Russian civil society, who lodged the complaint in June 2013.

Russian and European NGO investigations lead to the filing of a complaint against VINCI CONCESSIONS RUSSIE SA and against unknown persons before the Nanterre Public Prosecutor

Paris, 24 June 2013 - Sherpa, Russie-Libertés, CEE Bankwatch Network and MOBO Princip, as well as members of Russian civil society such as the environmental activist Evgenia Chirikova, today submitted to the Public Prosecutor of Nanterre, France, a complaint relating to the conditions in which the NORTH WEST CONCESSION COMPANY - NWCC - , which is wholly owned by the French company VINCI CONCESSIONS RUSSIE, was awarded a public contract in 2009 concerning the construction of the highway between Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Khimki Forest activist wins Goldman Environmental Prize


One of this year's winners of the Goldman Environmental Prize is Russian Khimki Forest defender Evgenia Chirikova, but the good news is being overshadowed by continued violence against other Khimki activists.

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