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Gazela Bridge rehabilitation, Belgrade, Serbia



With a population exceeding one and half million people and an outdated urban plan that is unable to absorb increasing volumes of passengers and cargo transport, Belgrade is facing a critical traffic situation. Plans for a bypass of Belgrade and the rehabilitation of the bridge on the E70/E75 highway crossing have been revived in order to move transit traffic out of the city.

However, serious shortcomings for preventing and mitigating negative environmental and social impacts – specifically resettlement issues – have been recorded during the projects’ assessment process.

Serbian authorities are in danger of repeating the mistakes from Gazela in a new project bearing an uncanny resemblance to Gazela - in an area known as Belvil. And they are again set to receive funding from the EIB and EBRD.

Both the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) are involved in the project and thus at least indirectly in a resettlement process that includes the discrimination of Roma families who have been threatened, evicted without proper consultation and in many cases resettled to remote places, usually without access to work, and some without sufficient hygienic installations.

Resettlement went ahead with deficient planning

See the stories of displaced families on Bankwatch's video blog Out of Sight.

In August 2009 the predominantly Roma families from the Gazela informal settlement in Belgrade were resettled to temporary accommodation at four sites in Belgrade area. 61 families were sent back to their home towns in the south of Serbia.

Serbian authorities followed a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) that does not include measures regarding long-term housing, education and employment. Visits to the four sites – Rakovica, Mladenovac, Barajevo, Cukarica – revealed that the living conditions, the access to jobs and to education urgently need to be addressed if the IFIs are to disburse financing and the projects are to go forward.

Resettlement is not the end of the story

Through dialogue with affected people, city authorities and bank representatives Bankwatch is promoting participatory and transparent consultations on the projects, particularly where resettlement is at stake. These must ensure that resettlement or compensation processes are inclusive and ensure benefits for all project-affected people.

At the least, adherence to the World Bank’s Operational Directive on Involuntary Resettlement, which has been accepted by EIB and EBRD as an operational standard, would mean a step forward in this regard.

In general, much better coordination still needs to be established between the IFIs involved in the projects, the Belgrade city authorities, interested NGOs and the affected population. Sound solutions must be found for resettling and compensating the population.

This solution needs to take into account the real needs, abilities, knowledge and future sustainable life of the affected populations in both of the envisaged resettlements.

For more information, contact Zvezdan Kalmar, the Bankwatcher from Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development (CEKOR), Serbia, monitoring the project's development.


Latest developments


Press release | June 9, 2016

CEKOR, as a non-governmental watchdog organisation, has since 1999 strived to promote sustainable development in Serbia and has a strong track record in supporting local communities harmed by development projects to advocate for their rights.

Press release | March 5, 2014

(London) – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) new draft Environment and Social Policy would fail to weed out abusive development projects, seven human rights and bank watchdog organizations said today in a joint statement. The bank’s consultation on the draft policy closes on March 5, 2014. It then has an opportunity to revise the policy before sending it to the bank’s board for approval in the coming months.

Blog entry | July 26, 2012

The EBRD's claims it has helped turn Serbia into a "role model for social inclusion of Roma" ring hollow in light of the plethora of abuses of Romas' rights in other cases in Serbia.

Press release | April 13, 2012

Belgrade – By the end of April, one hundred Roma families are expected to be illegally resettled from Belgrade neighbourhood Buvljak to several locations including Resnik, where current inhabitants are these days protesting against their arrival [1]. The resettlement is being carried out by Belgrade authorities without a proper resettlement plan or any consideration of the needs of the Roma and potential for inter-racial conflict [2]. The move is deemed necessary as part of the Sava Bridge and adjacent road construction, financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank respectively. [3]

Blog entry | June 22, 2011

Bankwatch’s coordinator in Serbia Zvezdan Kalmar finds himself in a situation similar to the one when campaigning on the Gazela bridge project: Roma families live in uncertainty about when they’ll be resettled to make way for road construction, all the while with little influence about how decisions are made.


Briefing | October 19, 2009

On 31 August 2009 the inhabitants of the Gazela informal settlement in Belgrade were resettled to temporary accommodation at four sites outside of Belgrade. After a visit conducted by partner group CEKOR in September which found a number of important issues needing to be addressed, Bankwatch carried out a follow-up fact-finding mission on 6-8 October 2009.

Advocacy letter | September 29, 2009

The complaint concerns the European Investment Banks failure to adhere to its own transparency and social standards in the Gazela Bridge Rehabilitation project in the Republic of Serbia. It has been sent simultaneously to the European Ombudsman.

Advocacy letter | September 28, 2009
Advocacy letter | September 2, 2009

On Monday, August 31st, the community living in the slum under the Gazela bridge was physically resettled. The City of Belgrade claims that a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) was approved, but the resettled PAPs have not seen the RAP and have not been consulted.

Bankwatch and CEKOR are asking the EIB to provide information on the resettlement process and to not disburse the loan for the Gazela Bridge rehabilitation project until it is assured that a sustainable and adequate solution for those resettled is found.

Advocacy letter | September 2, 2009

On Monday, August 31st, the community living in the slum under the Gazela bridge was physically resettled. The City of Belgrade claims that a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) was approved, but the resettled PAPs have not seen the RAP and have not been consulted.

Bankwatch and CEKOR are asking the EBRD to provide information on the resettlement process and the EBRD's opinion on further developments.

On September 8, 2009 we received EBRD's response regarding involuntary Gazela resettlement. Download it as pdf here.