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România, printre statele care pun frână combaterii încălzirii globale

Source: Laura Cioba, Transporter

Nouă state membre UE din Europa Centrală și de Est, printre care se numără și România, țin pe loc progresele realizate de blocul comunitar cu privire la combaterea încălzirii globale.

Conform unui studiu publicat de către organizaţiile de mediu Friends of the Earth Europe şi CEE Bankwatch Network, nouă state membre ale Uniunii Europene nu profită de posibilitatea de a utilizat fondurile UE pentru a investi în energia verde.

EU funds spending plans in Latvia: What's hidden behind the 'green veneer'?


The millions of EU Cohesion Policy money are choosing the 'darker side' of Latvia's renewable energy sources.

Bring on the money, don't ask for results. EU funds spending plans in the Czech Republic


The Czech Republic’s EU funds’ documents tick all the formal boxes, but the carbon intensity of its economy will most likely not change much.

NGOs urge the European Investment Bank not to finance the Southern Gas Corridor

A group of 27 NGOs sent an open letter to the President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) today urging the Bank not to finance the Southern Gas Corridor, a 3500 kilometres-long chain of gas pipelines from Azerbaijan to Europe.

EU money for clean energy transition is being spent on fossil fuels, says report

Source: Éanna Kelly, Science|Business

Environmental pressure groups criticise 9 member states in central and eastern Europe for using EU regional funding to prop up existing fossil fuel systems, rather than to tackle climate change

Less than 10 per cent of the EU regional funding money earmarked for decarbonisation projects in nine Central and Eastern European countries will be invested into renewables, energy efficiency and smart grids, according to a new report.

NGO open letter to EIB president: don't finance the Southern Gas Corridor

In this letter, a group of 27 non-governmental organisations urge the President of the European Investment Bank not to finance the Southern Gas Corridor, a 3500 kilometres-long chain of gas pipelines from Azerbaijan to Europe. As the EIB considers granting the biggest loan of its history to the Consortium in charge of developing the western section of the project, the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), the group of NGOs warns about its most controversial aspects.

Report finds development banks fail people harmed by their projects

A new report launched today documents the hurdles communities and workers face in obtaining remedy from development banks whose projects cause them harm. The 11 civil society organizations that authored the report, Glass Half Full? The State of Accountability in Development Finance, call on development banks and the governments that run them to strengthen their systems for providing remedy to those harmed by the activities financed by the banks.

Милиарди евро от ЕС се харчат неправомерно в Централна и Източна Европа, сочи нов доклад

Source: Дневник, Дневник

Милиарди евро от Европейския съюз, предназначени за трансформиране на неефективните им енергийни системи, отделящи високи въглеродни емисии, в Централна и Източна Европа се харчат неправомерно. Това констатира нов доклад на CEE Bankwatch Network и Friends of the Earth за Европа, публикуван във вторник.

A l’Est, les fonds européens délaissent la transition énergétique

Source: Romain Loury, Journal de le'nvironnement

Abondés par les financements de l’Union européenne, les pays d’Europe de l’est et d’Europe centrale ne les emploient que rarement à des solutions de transition énergétique, dénonce l’association Les Amis de la Terre Europe dans un rapport publié mardi 26 janvier.

Selon l’association, seuls 7% des 178 milliards affectés à ces neuf pays [1], aussi bien par le Fonds européen de développement régional (Feder) et le Fonds de cohésion pour la période 2014-20 [2], sont orientés vers les énergies renouvelables, l’efficacité énergétique et les «smart grids».

Glass Half Full? The state of accountability in development finance

Real development respects human rights and is shaped by the people it is designed to benefit. However, development projects financed by development finance institutions in many cases has been associated with the dispossession of land, loss of resources, diminished livelihoods and environmental degradation. Accountability mechanisms in theory aim to ensure that people who have been harmed by these projects receive adequate remedy. As this report shows, however, these accountability mechanisms to a large extent fail to fulfil this function, not least because they operate in a constrained environment constructed by the institutions that administer them.

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