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United Nations report highlights risks and failures of public-private partnerships


A United Nations study finds that public-private partnerships involve substantial risks for the public sector and have often failed to yield ‘value for money’.

Europe's false solutions for Ukraine's energy woes


Current EU support is not just a distraction from the energy path Ukraine needs to take, it also puts countless communities in Ukraine and abroad at risk.

Declaration of local community in Kaishi to cancel contract for Georgian Khudoni dam

In this declaration, the community of Khaishi, a village in the mountains in north west Georgia, called for a the cancellation of the contract for the construction of the 700MW Khudoni dam. Khaishi residents demand the recognition of customary land rights and the inclusion of Svans into the decision-making over the project.

Guest post: Walking the line


Plans for the Southern Gas Corridor / Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline will solidify the west's dependence on fossil fuels and authoritarian regimes. A new web documentary shows why we should stop and think.

Droga S7 na celowniku Parlamentu Europejskiego

Source: Marcin Sztandera, Wyborcza.pl

Komisja Petycji Parlamentu Europejskiego poinformowała o wszczęciu postępowania wyjaśniającego w sprawie budowy skarżyskiego odcinka drogi ekspresowej S7.

nformację o wszczęciu postępowania otrzymało w poniedziałek stowarzyszenie Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot, które od dawna protestuje przeciwko proponowanemu przebiegowi S7 od Skarżyska-Kamiennej do granicy z Mazowszem. Zdaniem ekologów zagraża m.in. siedliskom trzech chronionych gatunkom motyli oraz szlakom migracyjnym łosiów i wilków.

Putting energy efficiency first. Reframing the European Investment Bank's action in times of transition and uncertainty

The study shows how the European Investment Bank (EIB) has valid reasons to start embracing the energy efficiency first principle and implement it in its lending decision: significant energy savings will be needed regardless of the climate mitigation route taken and to enable the proper roll out of its climate strategy and lead the energy transition. The study looks at how the EIB can do this through its lending policies and financial decisions.

[Campaign update] Key costs still missing in Montenegro coal power plant debate


Tens of questions remain unanswered about costs related to a new unit at the Pljevlja lignite power plant in Montenegro.

Expert analysis confirms Croatian Plomin C coal plant is economically unfeasible


Responding to the lack of official economic data for Croatia's Plomin C coal project, a new analysis finds that the project is highly risky.

Istraživanje zagađenosti zraka na Balkanu: Sarajevo i Tuzla gori od Pekinga

Source: Almir Šećkanović, Faktor

Kao posebno zagađen grad na Balkanu izdvojena je Tuzla, koja bilježi posebno veliku količinu sumpor-dioksida, što je čini gradom sa najzagađenijim zrakom u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Sarajevo je tokom decembra i januara u nekoliko navrata bilo zagađenije od Pekinga, koji slovi za jedan od najzagađenijih svjetskih gradova, pokazuju podaci evropske ekološke mreže Bankwatch, koja je izradila studiju sa mjerenjima onečišćenja zraka u pet balkanskih gradova, uključujući Sarajevo i Tuzlu iz Bosne i Hercegovine.

Kritični januar

Do not fund Southern Gas Corridor with EU money


The flashbulbs at Azerbaijan’s official photo opportunities should not blind Europe’s leaders to the country’s accelerated descent into authoritarianism, writes Xavier Sol.

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