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Climat : les fonds européens financent-ils vraiment la transition énergétique ?

Source: Environnement Magazine, Environnement Magazine

Dans un nouveau rapport, plusieurs ONG environnementales dénoncent l'utilisation de fonds européens a priori destinés à la transition énergétique, mais bénéficiant aux énergies fossiles.

Nenskra hydropower plant, Georgia

For the last decade, the government of Georgia has promoted hydropower as a way of tackling energy security and turning the country into a regional energy player. The EBRD has been one of the key catalysts of this hydro boom. Yet the presence of the EBRD and other international financial institutions has not been enough to ensure the development of comprehensive energy strategies, robust project assessments and meaningful public consultations. The potential for social and environmental problems is therefore prevalent. The Nenskra hydropower plant is yet another project that lacks the proper assessment and has failed to gain acceptance from the local communities.

EU funds spending plans in Estonia: The long and rocky path away from shale oil


While Estonia plans to use a large part of its EU funds investments for infrastructure projects in the public sector, there is no real political will to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

Niču hidroelektrane u zaštićenim zonama u JIE

Source: Euractiv.rs, Euractiv.rs

Jugoistočna Evropa (JIE) preplavljena je projektima hidroelektrana i postoji ogroman potencijal za štetu u životnoj sredini regiona sa ubitačnom kombinacijom poslednjih divljih reka u Evropi, rasprostranjene korupucije i neadekvatne zaštite prirode. Istovremeno istraživanja pokazuju da je veliki broj planiranih ili projekata koji se realizuju baš u zaštićenim regijama. U Srbiji su od 88 projekata hidroelektrana obuhvaćenih istraživanjem mreže Benkvoč, 57 "grinfild" projekti od kojih je 34 u zaštićenim zonama.

Problematic expansion of agribusiness giant MHP in Ukraine with EBRD support

Myronivsky Hliboproduct PJSC, also known as MHP, is a long-term client of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Following loands in 2013 and 2010, the EBRD approved a USD 85 million loan on 28 October 2015 to support MHP's agricultural working capital needs. While the agricultural sector is widely viewed as one of the engines of the Ukrainian economy, MHP's operations are having a range of negative impacts on local communities.

Issues with Serbian electricity company EPS need to be addressed within new EBRD loan

As part of its new EUR 200 million loan to the Serbian electricity company EPS, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development aims to assist with “identifying opportunities to improve environmental, safety, social, and labour governance and capacity, and on helping EPS to develop a more strategic approach to managing these issues”. As outlined in this briefing, so far the EBRD's fifteen-year partnership with EPS has not brought visible improvements in company practices and it is high time for the bank to prove that its engagement can add value.

European Fund for Strategic Investments: How to ensure sustainability, good governance and added-value

The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) aims to leverage through the European Investment Bank (EIB) financing for a total of EUR 315 billion in new projects by 2018. The guarantee fund should target projects with a higher risk profile than normal EIB investments and should as well increase lending for investments which significantly contribute to achieving European common policy objectives ("European added-value"). This briefing outlines necessary improvements in the EFSI implementation to realise these aims.

“Non finanziate TAP”: 27 organizzazioni europee scrivono alla BEI

Source: Marcello Greco, Tagpress.it

Tra i firmatari anche Comitato No TAP e Re:Common. “Progetto in violazione dei diritti umani”, motivi fiscali, strategici, ambientali, climatici, democratici e politici alla base della richiesta.

România, printre statele care pun frână combaterii încălzirii globale

Source: Laura Cioba, Transporter

Nouă state membre UE din Europa Centrală și de Est, printre care se numără și România, țin pe loc progresele realizate de blocul comunitar cu privire la combaterea încălzirii globale.

Conform unui studiu publicat de către organizaţiile de mediu Friends of the Earth Europe şi CEE Bankwatch Network, nouă state membre ale Uniunii Europene nu profită de posibilitatea de a utilizat fondurile UE pentru a investi în energia verde.

Държавите от ЦИЕ затвърждават зависимостта си от изкопаемите горива

Source: Миглена Иванова, Investor.BG

Само 7% от средствата за програмния период до 2020 г. за 9 държави от региона са за възобновяема енергия

Държавите от Централна и Източна Европа рядко използват европейското финансиране за преходни енергийни проекти и вместо това насочват средствата за проекти, които укрепват зависимостта им от изкопаемите горива. Това се посочва в доклад на “Friends of the Earth Europe”, цитиран от онлайн изданието euractiv.com.

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