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Fundusze europejskie: Unia ostrzega, że Polska może zmarnować miliardy euro. Przez węgiel

Source: PAP, Polskie Radio

Miliardy euro, które z unijnego budżetu mają być przeznaczane na przejście od gospodarki opartej na węglu w kierunku ekonomii niskoemisyjnej, mogą być zmarnowane przez kraje Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej - alarmują organizacje pozarządowe.

Taki wniosek płynie z raportu CEE Bankwatch Network i Friends of the Earth Europe, który współfinansowała UE. Organizacje opisały w ponad 150-stronicowej publikacji analizę planów inwestycyjnych i strategii klimatycznych 9 krajów Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej.

Raport dotyczy polskich inwestycji w ramach funduszy europejskich

Oyu Tolgoi Phase 2: Plans, Issues and Risks

This report summarises the mining activity proposed by Oyu Tolgoi in its Phase 2 development plan, describes the block caving underground mining technology planned for the large deep ore body to be mined in Phase 2, environmental impacts and reclamation potential of block cave mines, and issues and risks associated with future OT power supply, international metal market price uncertainties, and OT Phase 1 and 2 impacts on water resources and herders and their livelihood in the region surrounding the OT mine license area.

Dundee Precious Metals: Umweltvergiftungen in Armenien und Namibia

Source: Facing Finance, Facing Finance

In dem kleinen Dorf Geghanush im Süden Armeniens regt sich Widerstand gegen das kanadische Bergbauunternehmen Dundee Precious Metals (DPM) und dessen lokales Tochterunternehmen, das in der Region Syunik verschiedene Edelmetalle abbaut. Laut einer Petition von 184 Bewohnern von Geghanush bedrohen die Rückhaltebecken der Mine, die DPM reaktiviert hat und nun für seine Rückstände nutzt, die Menschen, Tiere und die Umwelt in der Region.

Thirty Years After Chernobyl, Ukraine Doubles Down On Nuclear Power

Source: Tony Wesolowsky, RFE/RL

Nearly 30 years after Chernobyl spewed nuclear dust across Europe and sparked fears of fallout around the globe, a strapped, war-torn Ukraine is opting for "upgrades" rather than shutdowns of its fleet of Soviet-era nuclear power reactors.

Kyiv is planning to spend an estimated $1.7 billion to bring the facilities, many of which are nearing the end of their planned life spans, up to current Western standards.

Slovakia's EU funds spending plans: finance for the energy transition - where's it at?


Slovakia has missed the opportunity to use the EUR 14 billion of Cohesion spending to transform its largely monopolistic, heavily state influenced energy economy with its high dependence on imported fossil fuels and high carbon intensity.

Croatia's EU funds spending plans: Land of unfulfilled clean energy potential


EU funds could do a whole lot more to help the transformation to an efficient sustainable energy system in Croatia if the country adopts an effective strategy to get there, argues our research co-ordinator, Pippa Gallop.

Turceni coal unit in Romania shut down after operating illegally


The shut down of a coal-fired power plant unit is another great success for the climate and for clean air in Romania. Many more units may have to follow according to legislation on pollution limits.

Volkswagen's emissions scandal and the European Investment Bank


With the spotlight bright on Volkswagen for cheating in emission tests, the EU's house bank must now come forward and show exactly what it has done to ensure proper oversight over its loans to the company.

EU funds spending plans in Hungary: the dark side is in the details


Hungary allocates a relatively high amount of EU Funds to energy but an in-depth analysis shows a lack of direct, non-refundable support in renovation of residential buildings, significant finance for burning instead of preventing waste and potentially unsustainable use of biomass.

Climat : les fonds européens financent-ils vraiment la transition énergétique ?

Source: Environnement Magazine, Environnement Magazine

Dans un nouveau rapport, plusieurs ONG environnementales dénoncent l'utilisation de fonds européens a priori destinés à la transition énergétique, mais bénéficiant aux énergies fossiles.

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