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legislative process

At the start of spending: Environmental partners still ostracised

An assessment of the application of the “European Code of Conduct on Partnership” during the establishment of the national implementation bodies and the first phase of ESI Funds implementation in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia.

Partners' involvement during EU funds programming: left-out on crucial questions

As the negotiations on the EU funds for 2014-2020 are coming to an end, NGO partners from CEE countries conclude on their involvement during the “programming”, the process of elaboration and consultation of the future EU Cohesion Policy spending plans. Whereas some improvements compared to the previous period can be stated, an even formal compliance with the European Code of Conduct on Partnership is not always guaranteed.

UPDATE 2: The devil is in the implementation - Experiences from the partnership principle in central and eastern European practice

At the peak of EU funds’ programming, experiences from CEE countries reveal deficiencies in the application of the Code of Conduct and a flawed implementation of the partnership principle. This undermines the credibility of the programming process and leaves benefits of a comprehensive involvement of all stakeholders untapped. The sometimes even entertaining list of partnership shortcomings brings us to the conclusion that a purely voluntary partnership without common standards much too often continues to end up being a purely formal exercise, and that the promotion of best practices alone is not sufficient to ensure quality partnership.

Letter: NGOs call on Director Generals of DG Regio, Clima and Environment to turn around EU funds programming at half time

At the present stage, the Partnership Agreements and the Operational Programmes for the next Cohesion Policy period (2014-2020) are not proving to be sufficient for effectively catalysing the EU's transition towards resource efficient, renewable energy based economies. In this letter to the Director Generals for Regional Policy, Environment and Climate Change, European environmental NGOs raise their worries over the Programming of EU Funds in EU Member States. The main concern is that environmental priorities are not being properly addressed.

EU Cohesion Policy deal done, but not dusted

Strasbourg, France - Following final agreement today by the European Parliament on EU Cohesion Policy spending for the next seven years, CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe are calling on eastern European countries to now make the most of the funds available and commit to quality spending.

NGO statement on EU funds' programming half time

Based on analysis of Partnership Agreements and experiences of 'partnership' in current programming, participants are regrettably forming the view that Member States’ current planning of Regional Development funding for the period 2014 -2020 fails to acknowledge that Europe’s current ecological footprint lays way beyond the planet’s carrying capacity and, as a consequence, that economic and regional development – fostered by the EU funds – has to transform production and consumption patterns to a sustainable level that does not over-exploit natural resources.

Same old, same old - No signs yet that Bulgaria is getting real about how to spend its future EU budget money


With less than three months to go until the 2014-2020 EU budgetary period gets underway, a Bulgarian Partnership Agreement is being discussed with the European Commission – but the less said about it the better. In the spirit, though, of a country where a shake of the head means ‘Yes’, we have chosen to spill the beans at some length on where familiar mistakes are being taken, and where they may lead.

Charts: Financial allocations for Cohesion Policy


Cohesion Policy decisions are heating up at national level while financial allocations for the period 2014-2020 have been published this week.

Environment 'hollowed-out' of future Cohesion Policy - NGOs slam EP vote

Brussels, July 10, 2013 – The green potential of a third of Europe’s budget for 2014-2020 has been hollowed-out following a vote in the European Parliament today, according to Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe. The committee for regional development (REGI) has approved proposals to reform EU Structural Funds – money intended to improve the economic well-being of regions – which include a last-minute shift from legally-binding to voluntary environmental spending.

Decisive European Parliament Vote on the future Cohesion Policy expected tomorrow

Brussels, July 9, 2013 – The European Parliament’s committee for regional development (REGI) will vote tomorrow on the European Commission’s proposals to reform EU Structural Funds. If approved, the watered-down text will significantly dampen Europe’s potential to promote renewables and energy savings, according to Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe.

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