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legislative process

Enhancing the partnership principle and transparency in the future Cohesion Policy

The European Commission’s proposed European Code of Conduct has the potential to become a major tool for securing effective partnership, transparency and public participation under the Cohesion Policy. This briefing contains recommendations to further support and realise this potential.

Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: Green investments to deliver sustainable prosperity and jobs

This briefing outlines a number of aspects that - if improved - would enhance the European Commission’s proposal on the future EU budget and maximize benefits for the regions delivered by the future Cohesion Policy while contributing to reach the 2020 climate, energy and biodiversity targets and creating green jobs.

Letter to rapporteurs for the Common Provisions Regulation of the future Cohesion Policy

The letter, sent by the Coalition for a sustainable EU Budget, includes discussion points that are crucial for the future Cohesion Policy regulations. Now, during the ongoing debates in the European Parliament, it is the role of MEPs to ensure that the EU becomes a resource efficient low-carbon economy, shifting Europe’s regions on a sustainable path.

A system of indicators for a sustainable EU Cohesion Policy

The current EU commitment to a low carbon and resource efficient economy has significantly influenced the proposed Cohesion Policy objectives for the 2014-2020 period. Besides the mobilisation of financial resources for the achievement of the Europe 2020 strategy targets, it is important that a strong focus is kept on the results of EU support. Bankwatch has therefore taken a critical look at the proposed common indicators for the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund.

Future Cohesion Policy: Amendments for a sustainable EU Budget

The Coalition for a sustainable EU Budget advocates that a number of amendments to the Commission legislative proposal concerning the next Cohesion Policy funds should be supported by the European Parliament and Council if the next EU regional funds are to play any significant role in the transition towards a low-carbon, sustainable European economy.

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