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legislative process

NGO voting recommendations: Connecting Europe Facility Regulation 2014-2020

This briefing highlights the opportunity to improve key aspects of the Connecting Europe Facility Regulation on transport to ensure better coherence with EU priorities, to move towards a low carbon and resource efficient transport sector, which is economically and environmentally sustainable. If offered concrete recommendations for Members of the European Parliament's ITRE-TRAN committee for the voting on December 18, 2012.

NGO voting recommendations: TEN-T Guidelines for 2014-2020

This briefing highlights the opportunity to improve key aspects of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) Guidelines to ensure better coherence with EU priorities, to move towards a low carbon and resource efficient transport sector, which is economically and environmentally sustainable. If offered concrete recommendations for Members of the European Parliament's TRAN committee for the voting on December 18, 2012.

Press Briefing for European Summit 22-23rd November: How to ensure strong green spending runs throughout the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020

This week’s European Council will be crucial for ensuring that the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 (MFF) mobilises sustainable investments that can create millions of jobs and take Europe forward on a solid footing out of the crisis. The current overall MFF proposal is far from green: it is a lost opportunity. There is a lot of room to shift MFF allocations towards better spending and to relocate funds to greener sectors. Therefore we wish to draw your attention to five key issues for the Council that could substantially increase the chances of the next MFF delivering multiple benefits.

EU budget 2014-2020: NGO priority recommendations for the Common Strategic Framework

Environmental NGOs strongly welcome the Common Strategic Framework (CSF) as an Annex of the Common Provisions' Regulation. It is a needed tool to ensure a proper implementation of fundamental principles and approaches of the Regulation that helps ensure that the future programmes will better contribute to reach the Europe 2020 targets, create regional green jobs, enhance economic opportunities and address environmental challenges. This briefing on the parts of the CSF which we support the most, and underlines as well several opportunities for improvements.

EU budget 2014-2020: Implementing the climate commitment

To reach the EU agreed climate and energy targets by 2020, the European Commission states that at least 20% of the future Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 should support climate action. The Coalition for a Sustainable EU budget strongly supports this initiative and ask to increase it to 25% of the next MFF. In order to have a proper legal basis, this commitment should be included in the Negotiating Box and in the Inter-Institutional Agreement.

EU budget 2014-2020: Implementing climate commitment and tracking climate spending

This comprehensive briefing offers detailed comments and suggestions on how climate action should and can be implemented and mainstreamed in the future spending period of the EU budget.

Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 priorities for the Cyprus Presidency 2012

During the Cyprus Presidency the ordinary legislative procedure for adopting the regulatory framework on the future Cohesion Policy shall be concluded.

Transport in the EU Budget: Making spending sustainable - Priorities for the TEN-T Guidelines and the Connecting Europe Facility

Transport is the only sector where greenhouse gas emissions are still increasing. Without decisive new action, transport GHG emissions are expected to grow by 74% until 2050. The Commission has pledged that at least 20% of the proposed €1 trillion EU budget for 2014-2020 will go towards climate mitigation and adaptation goals. This paper outlines how these commitments can be put into practice in the regulations on CEF and the TEN-T guidelines.

Cohesion Policy reform: Supporting and improving thematic concentration

The Coalition for Sustainable EU Funds supports the principle of thematic concentration in the European Commission's Cohesion Policy legislative package from October 2011. However, changes brought forward by some Member States risk hampering a critical mass of investments in areas that help deliver on EU agreed targets by 2020, especially the Europe 2020 Strategy targets.

EU budget 2014-2020: Leading the way to sustainable prosperity and jobs

The European Commission’s legislative proposals for the future EU Budget have made some promising changes but they are not ambitious enough to meet the level of current challenges. While CAP spending still needs a radical overhaul, the proposals on the other funds need to be strengthened to ensure leadership from the EU Budget that supports a sustainable and prosperous European economy and inspires all of Europe and the world.

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