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Open letter to EIB: Improvements for energy policy draft

The letter, signed by nine NGOs, think tanks and an asset management company, acknowledges the positive step the European Investment Bank has taken with its draft policy "EIB and Energy: Delivering Growth, Security and Sustainability" but also suggests a number of elements that need to be tightened to make the EIB's energy lending policy policy fit for purpose in reducing risks of high-carbon lock-in for the EU electricity system.

The EIB and development, a chance to clean up the bank's act


The current review of the European Investment Bank’s mandate for lending outside of the EU brings some of the pitfalls of the bank’s development lending to the fore and offers a chance for improvements.

Bankwatch comments to the EIB draft energy policy

The EU’s global leadership on climate change is set to take another blow if the European Investment Bank, the EU house bank and one of the world’s largest public lenders, adopts a future energy lending policy as presented yesterday to the public. The draft policy includes weaker standards for lending to coal plants than currently proposed in both the US and Canada.

The EU's bank is less ambitious than the US in restricting energy from coal


It may have been easy in the past for Europeans to bash the US for being retrograde when it comes to climate policies, but after last week it will get more difficult to do that.

New EIB Energy Policy: A Missed Opportunity

Brussels -- The EU’s global leadership on climate change is set to take another blow if the European Investment Bank, the EU house bank and one of the world’s largest public lenders, adopts a future energy lending policy as presented yesterday to the public. The draft policy includes weaker standards for lending to coal plants than currently proposed in both the US and Canada.

Eleventh hour for Europe's bank to lead on climate change

Brussels -- Ahead of next week’s expected release from the European Investment Bank of its final draft energy policy, CEE Bankwatch Network and Counter Balance are urging the EU’s house bank to ensure that its annual portfolio of EUR 70 billion is guided by a policy that enables Europe to meet its long-term commitments on climate.

Guest post: New film: Tar sands - to the ends of the earth


Friends of the Earth Europe's new film, documenting the efforts of local communities in Madagascar to protect their island home from tar sands development, was premiered in Europe last week at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

The climate crisis and the role of Europe's public banks

With each passing day, there is less chance that we will manage to keep the planet within the "safe" limit of two degrees Celsius global warming that would avoid disastrous climate change. The European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development can play a pivotal role in leveraging more private investment for sustainable energy. Both institutions are now reviewing their energy lending policies.

WWF Position Paper on the EIB energy lending review

Quote from the WWF comments: "The EIB’s objective should support the EU’s 2050 decarbonisation goal. An EIB substantively revised energy lending policy should precludes investment in assets that lock‐in high carbon emissions and instead focuses on delivering a European zero‐emission energy system by 2050."

A mostly accommodating lion's den - the second civil society meeting with the EIB Board of Directors


A meeting of civil society and the European Investment Bank's Board of Directors saw a surprising degree of agreement between two often adverse groups.

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