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Global South

Energy Security for whom? For what?


A new report by The Corner House critically examines the notion of “energy security,” one of the buzzwords in European politics used to justify controversial infrastructure projects like the Nabucco gas pipeline or high voltage transmission lines in Ukraine. Here an introduction to the report from its authors.

Oil for nothing: European energy security endangers livelihoods in Nigeria


A documentary exposes the practices and disastrous local impacts of oil extraction by European energy companies in Nigeria. Food for thought for ourselves and our political representatives at national and European level.

Video: An EIB holiday

Baffled by an EIB loan to a holiday resort in Morocco, our friends from Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank had a closer look at the kind of development promoted there and came back with this wonderfully illustrative video.

The EIB energy policy revision process

During a meeting with civil society organisations in October 2011 the EIB announced it would begin a revision of its energy lending policy in 2012 and solicit public input. This briefing gives a brief overview over the process and the necessary changes in the bank's energy policy that would help bringing the EIB's energy lending in line with Europe's climate targets.

A historic event, the European Investment Bank opens its doors (a bit)


Ahead of a meeting next week that offers a unique chance for discussion with the EIB's Board of Directors, Bankwatch's EIB team leader Anna Roggenbuck gives an overview over some of the issues to which she'd like to hear some comments by the bank's enigmatic leadership.

Potocnik says green economy, European public banks say black coal


The European Union's internal and external ambitions for green economies are being countered by the activities of European international financial institutions. EU Commissioner for the Environment Potocnik can see that also in his home country Slovenia.

Contemplating secure and insecure energy supply


The EU external energy policy Communication published today by the European Commission continues the decade-long approach of the EU to ensure the unhindered flow of fossil fuel energy supplies to Europe without a real recognition of the problems this drive creates both inside and outside of the EU.

Transparency allergy reappears at EIB, crisis billions still cloaked in confidentiality

CEE Bankwatch Network today criticised the European Investment Bank (EIB) for adopting a new transparency policy that persists in keeping the final destination of billions of publicly backed money unknown to the public.

Change the lending, not the climate

Bankwatch's new report on the EIB's fossil-heavy energy lending between 2002 and 2008 comes one week before the crunch global climate talks in Copenhagen, in preparation for which the international financial institutions have been flexing their rhetorical muscles.

Dead workers, stinking pollution and forced evictions: New report highlights ArcelorMittal's global trail of destruction

A newly-formed coalition of environmental and community groups [1] - Global Action on ArcelorMittal - today released a report showing how local residents and workers around the world pay the price of ArcelorMittal's success.

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