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European Banks are most opaque multilateral organisations, 2014 Aid Transparency Index

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) are ranked 16th and 17th respectively out of 17 multilateral organisations on the 2014 Aid Transparency Index (ATI) which is published today. The transparency index comes at a momentous time for the EIB as the institution is currently reviewing its transparency policy and NGOs fear that the ‘EU bank’ is preparing to further downgrade its transparency requirements.

Opportunities and expectations towards the EIB climate policy review

After effectively phasing out lending to lignite and coal-fired power plants in its energy policy in 2013, the EIB is now reviewing its climate policy. This joint NGO letter expresses the expectations towards the EIB to align its lending further with climate science and the EU Roadmap 2050 by proposing a genuine strategy for the bank to phase out funding for projects that are detrimental to the climate and to mainstream climate considerations into each and every sector of operations the Bank is engaged in.

Ending fossil fuel support: NGO recommendations for OECD countries on their Export Credit Agencies

According to data compiled by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), between 2007 and 2013 public financial institutions provided at least $55,7 billion in funding for coal projects abroad. The largest proportion of this comes from national Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) from OECD countries, which have provided at least $32 billion over this period or 58% of total support.

EIB commits to review tax haven policy


During the annual meeting between civil society and the EIB's Board of Directors, the European Investment Bank committed to review its outdated tax haven policy this year. The commitment which followed a letter from several NGOs expressing such demand, is the most concrete outcome of the meeting which took place on 3rd February in the bank's headquarters in Luxemburg.

Indicators to measure the results of EIB operations must differ inside and outside EU

This briefing presents concern regarding the proposal to formalise one set of result measurement indicators for operations inside and outside of Europe. The EIB has worked now since 2012 on a framework for assessing and measuring development results for operations outside the EU called the Results Measurement Framework (REM). After its 2012 capital increase, the EIB began a revision of the Value-Added (VA) assessment of the bank’s operations within the EU and Pre-Accession countries. As a result, the Three Pillar Outcomes Assessment (3PA) was implemented in 2013.

Bankwatch Mail 57

Coinciding with the beginning of international climate negotiations at the COP19/CMP9 in Warsaw and with many observers already questioning the Polish government's ambitions for the summit, Issue 57 of Bankwatch Mail introduces the country also known as Coal-land and finds (among many other things) people protesting (successfully) against the pervasive smell of coal in the air.

What your doctor can tell you about the climate - and what COP delegates need to hear

If a doctor could prescribe a healthy planet, drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions would be on the top of the list. In fact, such a prescription was developed by leading health advocacy organisations and handed over to delegates at the UNFCCC’s COP 15 in Copenhagen. The surprising thing about this prescription is that instead of costing money it actually results in considerable savings.

Cough4Coal: New campaign video sets the scene for climate negotiations in Poland


A promotional video for an upcoming climate protest in Warsaw draws attention to the negative influence that coal has on our health and that coal businesses will have on the global climate negotiations.

The EIB finally limits coal lending


For the last couple of years, we have been calling on the European Investment Bank to drop coal lending. Finally, we’re starting to see some results.

EIB restricts - but does not eliminate - coal and other fossil fuel lending

Brussels -- The European Investment Bank (EIB) announced today an energy policy that while introducing stringent criteria for financing coal power plants does not eliminate the possibility of support for coal or other fossil fuel energy sources.

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