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Accession states at risk of CO2 lock-in: study

Source: , ENDS Europe

International financial institutions must phase down their support of fossil fuel-based projects in EU candidate countries to help the states adapt more easily to the bloc's policies, climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard has warned.

Wwf, stop a investimenti ifi nei Balcani

Source: , ANSA

ROMA - I forti investimenti nei combustibili fossili da parte delle istituzioni finanziarie internazionali (Ifi) nei Balcani occidentali stanno ostacolando la conformità di questi paesi ai requisiti per l'adesione all'Ue. E' quanto si sostiene nel nuovo rapporto "Invest in Haste, Repent at Leisure" (Se investi frettolosamente, poi te ne penti) diffuso oggi da See Change Net, Cee Bankwatch Network e Wwf, che chiedono lo stop degli investimenti pubblici internazionali verso i combustibili fossili.

Invest in haste, repent at leisure - Are IFIs behaving as if EU accession criteria and extreme energy losses do not exist in South East Europe?

South-eastern Europe is riddled with poor planning and corruption in the energy sector and its governments are proving slow to react to the challenges and opportunities offered by the decarbonisation agenda.

A tale of neglect: Energy finance figures from the Western Balkans


The neglect by international financial institutions of the Western Balkans sustainable energy potential will cost the region's public heavily for years to come. Figures collected in a new study illustrate how the different international lenders perform in the region.

Transparency in Serbia

Source: Harriet Salem, The Guardian

In 1999, bombs rained down on Belgrade as Nato forces attempted to topple Slobodan Milosevic's regime. Amid the chaos of war, Natasa Djereg, a student at the University of Belgrade's faculty of forestry, founded the Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Development (Cekor) with her professors. "Those were terrible years," says Djereg, who is now the director of the NGO. "We wanted to start a project that looked to the future."

[Campaign update] Plomin project promoter not able to justify health risks of coal

Public discussions about the Plomin coal power plant's health impacts show how both project promoters and public authorities prefer to ignore or play down uncomfortable arguments and evidence against the project.

EU funds in people's hands. When small things make a difference.


A Croation winner of Bankwatch's Better Ideas contest for sustainable EU Funds has just begun implementing their project. The positive responses from their community and the successful start illustrate that "small is beautiful" can also apply to Cohesion Policy.

Kolubara mining waste causes landslide, wrecks homes in Serbia

Belgrade -- A landslide caused by mining operations at Kolubara lignite mines in Serbia is advancing towards the village Junkovac in the Serbian Lazarevac municipality, threatening to engulf parts of it; two houses and a road have been destroyed already, and tens of other homes are at risk.

[Campaign update] The reality of resettlement in Kolubara: Out of the frying pan into the fire

A quick visit to the Kolubara mining basin reveals that the resettlement there looks nothing like the presentation from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

How strong are human rights safeguards in the EBRD's policies? Lessons learned from the Kolubara project

Experience with the implementation of the Environmental and Social Policy in the case of several controversial projects suggests that the EBRD's environmental and social safeguards are not robust enough and need strengthened. The case of the Kolubara coal mine 'Environmental Improvement' project, Serbia illustrates how the policy places most responsibilities on the client, and EBRD assessment and monitoring are excessively reliant on input from the client, even in cases when feedback from NGOs and communities consistently contradicts the claims of the project sponsor.

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