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Another company withdraws from controversial Plomin C coal plant in Croatia

Zagreb -- Korean company KOSEP has confirmed that it no longer intends to participate in bidding for the controversial 500 MW Plomin C coal power plant in Croatia. KOSEP is the second of the four strategic bidders shortlisted in September 2012 to pull out of the project, after Polish company POL-MOT withdrew in the spring of this year.

Leading green NGOs in Europe tell the EBRD to step out of coal

Brussels – As the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development today closes the public consultation period on its upcoming energy strategy, a coalition of the ten largest environmental organisations working at the European level, the Green 10, is calling on the bank to phase out fossil fuels from its future lending, beginning with coal, and to rule out lending to risky energy sources, such as nuclear and shale gas.

Comments on EBRD's draft energy strategy

Bankwatch's detailed comments on the draft energy sector strategy of the European Bank for Reconstruction suggests the introduction of an emissions performance standard at the level of 350 gCO2/kWh for the bank's fossil fuel lending. It also contains comments on other energy sources, carbon markets, energy systems, carbon capture and storage, nuclear safety, and in an additional annex it lays out sustainability criteria for hydropower development.

Summary of Bankwatch's comments on EBRD's draft energy strategy

In our full comments on the draft energy sector strategy of the European Bank for Reconstruction Bankwatch suggests the introduction of an emissions performance standard at the level of 350 gCO2/kWh for the bank's fossil fuel lending. This document summarises the most important points made and a collection of most recommendations.

Letter to EBRD directors: Ensure proper investigation into new corruption arrests at Kolubara mine

On Monday, September 9, 2013, Serbian police arrested the former director and the former financial director of the Kolubara Mining Basin, as well as a businessman and several other individuals on the basis of suspected fraud in land expropriation proceedings around the Kolubara mine. This letter asks the EBRD board of directors to ensure that the EBRD thoroughly investigates the issues around these latest arrests.

Letter to Marubeni regarding potential investment in Plomin coal power plant, Croatia

This letter was sent in both English and Japanese

Letter to KOSEP regarding potential investment in Plomin coal power plant, Croatia

The letter was sent in both English (pdf) and Korean (pdf).

Letter to Edison regarding potential investment in Plomin coal power plant, Croatia

The letter was sent in both English (pdf) and Italian (pdf).

High dust emissions and low efficiency levels pose serious risks to Montenegro lignite project, new analysis shows

Podgorica, Montenegro -- Failure to comply with the latest EU pollution standards poses serious risks for the planned 220 MW Pljevlja II lignite-fired power plant in Montenegro, according to an analysis published today by NGOs CEE Bankwatch Network and Green Home.

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