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China urged to pursue renewable energy investments, not coal, during summit with eastern European leaders

Bucharest -- As the China – Central and Eastern European Countries summit gets underway today in Bucharest, NGOs from across the CEE region have written to Chinese Premier Li Keqiang calling on him to support renewable energy and energy efficiency investments, instead of the series of coal projects currently planned across eastern and south-east Europe.

NGOs urge China to invest in renewables instead of coal in central and eastern Europe

On the occasion of a China – Central and Eastern European Countries summit in Bucharest, NGOs from across the region have written to Chinese Premier Li Keqiang calling on him to support renewable energy and energy efficiency investments, instead of the series of coal projects currently planned across eastern and south-east Europe.

Guest post: End to UK coal investments overseas welcome - but it must include Kosovo


United in spirit with yesterday's blog post on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's coal lending, Visar Azemi from the Kosovo Civil Society Consortium for Sustainable Development calls on the UK government to not support the Kosova e Re lignite power plant via the World Bank and make its promise to end overseas coal financing a reality.

Analysis on the compliance of the environmental permit for the Stanari thermal power plant with EU Directives

This study by Dr hab. Leszek Pazderski and commissioned by the Center for Environment, Banja Luka, describes the compliance of the environmental permit for the planned Stanari lignite power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina (issued in May 2008 and then changed in September 2010) with currently valid directives of the European Union, regulating industrial emissions and their environmental impact.

Stanari power plant in Bosnia allowed to pollute 2-10 times higher than EU limits, new expert analysis shows

The pollution from EFT's new 300 MW Stanari lignite-fired power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina may be 2-10 times higher than EU limits allow, according to a new expert analysis commissioned by the Center for Environment from Banja Luka.

EU-backed western Balkans priority energy projects conflict with EU goals

A list of 35 regional priority energy projects selected on 24 October in Belgrade by the Energy Community's Ministerial Council has been greeted with dismay by civil society groups from across the western Balkans.

EU-backed energy projects will harm people and the environment in the Western Balkans

Brussels - NGOs from across the region are expressing very serious concerns about the list of 35 priority energy projects approved by the European Commission-backed Energy Community meeting in Belgrade, Serbia, last Thursday. The decision to support projects that are in conflict with EU environment goals and climate goals has seriously dented the EU's credibility as a positive force for the protection of the environment and people's health in the Western Balkans, say the NGOs.

How embarrassing: EBRD transparency ranked 'poorest' among multilaterals


As the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development revises its safeguard policies, the Aid Transparency Index ranks its commitment to openness and transparency as the weakest in comparison with similar institutions.

Dirty power plants in Western Balkans and Ukraine set to become EU priority

Belgrade - Several environmentally damaging coal and hydropower projects across the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova are likely to be included this Thursday on a priority list of projects of the European Commission-backed Energy Community, meaning they will be fast-tracked for financing over the next years.

Western Balkans and Ukraine: EC-backed Energy Community to prioritise coal plants that threaten EU long-term climate targets

The Western Balkans countries are aspiring to become members of the European Union. On 24 October the Ministerial Council of the EC-backed Energy Community will approve a list of priority energy infrastructure projects resulting from the Regional Energy Strategy known as Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECIs) for the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine. These projects would be prioritised for fast-track approval and public financing.

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