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Macedonia: No dams in Mavrovo National Park

Right now, the biggest national park in Macedonia and one of Europe’s oldest is under threat by plans to build two large dams.

Serbian NGO presses criminal charges against Kolubara mining company over landslide


One year after a landslide destroyed thirteen houses the Kolubara mining company continues to dump waste in the same area without information from its investigations forthcoming. Locals fear that more landslides may occur. Bankwatch member group CEKOR has now increased pressure on the company and the EBRD.

Threat posed by hydro to Mavrovo National Park under the spotlight at Skopje conference


On Thursday in Skopje, over 100 people attended the first public conference [mk] regarding the two planned hydropower plants in the Mavrovo National Park, one of the oldest and most valuable protected areas in the country. A petition to save the park that was launched one day earlier has already gathered over 13 000 signatures.

Balkan power plants ‘risk breaching IED limits’

Source: Valerie Flynn, ENDS Europe

Five new lignite-fired power projects in the Balkans are likely to breach EU air emission limits unless these are taken into account in the planning process, warns CEE Bankwatch.

New Balkan lignite plants may breach EU pollution legislation before they even operate (legal analysis + video)

Brussels, April 2 -- A series of at least five new lignite power plants planned in Western Balkan countries which aspire to European Union membership risk violating Energy Community pollution legislation before they even start generating electricity, warns a new legal briefing by EU-based legal organisation Frank Bold, published today.

The Energy Community's decision to implement Chapter III of the EU's Industrial Emissions Directive and its implications for new coal power plants in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine

Due to the Energy Community Ministerial Council's decision to apply the EU's Industrial Emissions Directive, new combustion plants in the Energy Community countries have to be planned with the IED taken into consideration. Currently, there are a number of investments in new combustion plants in progress which would not comply with the new requirements if they are realised as planned. It follows, that these combustion plants would be in breach of the acquis on environment after 1 January 2018, in other words by the time they start operation.

Failure to keep up with EU climate and energy policies will move South East Europe away from the EU, say NGOs

As the EU Council tomorrow debates A framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030, proposed by the European Commission, NGOs today called for much stronger environmental and climate commitments in the upcoming revised Treaty of Energy Community, which brings together the Western Balkan countries, Ukraine and Moldova, during a public hearing taking place in the European Parliament.

Whose Energy Community? Treaty improvements urgently needed

The EU-backed Energy Community Treaty, signed in 2005 and comprising the western Balkan countries, Ukraine and Moldova, has been widely hailed as encouraging regional co-operation. It also sets a legislative framework for the signatories (also known as the contracting parties) that should contribute, along with the EU accession process, to addressing the environmental and social impacts of the energy sector. Indeed, examples of the Energy Community's added value are its adoption of renewable energy targets in October 2012, as well as a requirement for power plants to comply with EU emissions limits.

Slovenia's shoddy Šoštanj 6 busts the myth of cheap lignite power

Bankwatch has been monitoring and campaigning against the ill-conceived EBRD- and EIB-financed Unit 6 at Šoštanj in Slovenia for several years now. Yet the project never ceases to amaze with its myriad flaws and scandals – and the first few months of 2014 have been no exception.

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