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When water mixes with coal - The impacts of the floods in Serbia on people living next to lignite mines


People living next to the Kolubara lignite mine in Serbia have suffered more under the floods due to the vicinity of the mine. Their demands for resettlement and compensation have now become more urgent than ever.

Ending fossil fuel support: NGO recommendations for OECD countries on their Export Credit Agencies

According to data compiled by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), between 2007 and 2013 public financial institutions provided at least $55,7 billion in funding for coal projects abroad. The largest proportion of this comes from national Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) from OECD countries, which have provided at least $32 billion over this period or 58% of total support.

Balkan lynx stage protest at annual meeting of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development


A delegation of 20 lynx from Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia today occupied a corridor in the Polish National Stadium in Warsaw, where the EBRD Annual General Meetings are taking place 14-15 May.

Their message: "EBRD, don't finance the Boskov Most dam, as it will destroy the forest in which we live and eventually kill us." The 20 delegates from Mavrovo Park constitute almost half of the little over 50 lynxes which still survive in the park today (the Balkan lynx is an endangered species).

New online toolkit to tackle the Kings of Coal in south east Europe and Turkey

Last year saw international financial institutions such as the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank falling like dominoes one after the other and announcing in rapid succession that they will halt – almost totally – financing for new coal power plants. These banks were also joined by other institutions such as the US Exim Bank and the Nordic Investment Bank, and governments including the US, UK, Netherlands and Scandinavian countries.

How long till the next protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Back in early February this year, workers at several privatised companies started protesting in Tuzla. The workers expressed outrage at how factory owners were not paying social security contributions, thus making their employees no longer eligible for health care, social security or pensions.

The village of Junkovac near the Kolubara mine - neglected and destroyed

The story of Junkovac in Serbia highlights systemic violations of human rights, neglect and wrong doings in the lignite mining sector that have not changed since the involvement of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development began in 2000. One of most recent cases of violations of human and property rights involves the illegal dumping of overburden from the mines at the Junkovac site that for years has been a threat to the properties and lives of hundreds of people in the nearby village.

The hydropower plant Boskov Most, Macedonia

In November 2011 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development approved a EUR 65 million credit to ELEM, a Macedonian state-owned company for the construction and management of the hydro power plant “Boskov Most”. Around 80% of the project falls into the territory of the “Mavrovo” National Park.

Planned contract for Plomin C coal plant most likely illegal state aid, says legal analysis

Zagreb, 05.05.2014 - A planned long-term power purchase agreement in which Croatian electricity company HEP will commit to buying at least 50% of electricity from the planned Plomin C power plant for 20-30 years will most likely be illegal under EU state aid rules, according to a new legal analysis by Hungary's Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA).

Legal opinion on the possible financing scheme of Plomin C and its compatibility with EU rules on state aid and public procurement (public summary)

This legal analysis argues that the tender arrangement for the Plomin C coal-fired power plant seriously questions the feasibility of the entire investment, not just from an environmental point of view as demonstrated by Zelena Akcija beforehand, but by now also from a competition point of view.

New online toolkit to help tackle the Kings of Coal in southeast Europe and Turkey


Coal investments are a dying breed in many countries, but some investors are still ready to try their luck in southeast Europe and Turkey. For campaigners who want to communicate with these actors Bankwatch has developed the user-friendly online toolkit Kings of Coal in three languages.

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