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Macedonia: No dams in Mavrovo National Park

Right now, the biggest national park in Macedonia and one of Europe’s oldest is under threat by plans to build two large dams.

The dams will be built in the middle of the Mavrovo National Park. Not only will this damage a number of rivers that shape the park, it will also endanger the habitats of the last remaining Balkan lynx. Mavrovo is the only place where the Balkan lynx is known to reproduce, and if the projects go ahead as planned, the lynx faces extinction.

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If we can't protect the nature in national parks, what will be left?

Help us stop the dam projects in Mavrovo national park in Macedonia.

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Please help us by writing to Macedonia’s Prime Minister to stop these projects.

The good news is that we can do something about this. The Macedonian government might not be able to build the dams without loans from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank. Both banks plan to lend 135 million euros for the projects, disguising it as support for green energy.

But Macedonians have launched an email action to call on the banks not to finance the projects, and almost 16,000 emails have already been sent.

Add your voice and help protect Macedonia’s unspoiled nature.

For our future and our childrens’, we must do everything we can to protect this unique wildlife.
