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Climate change: time for the Energy Community to take action

This report, commissioned by CEE Bankwatch Network and carried out by think-tank Change Partnership finds that countries of the Energy Community risk wasting hundreds of millions of Euros on outdated energy infrastructure if they do not adopt policies to tackle climate change.

Southeastern Europe deserves a better energy future - and now is the time to ensure it happens

Brussels, Prague, Sarajevo - The revision process of the Energy Community Treaty is entering its final lap these days, offering a real opportunity to transform member countries' energy landscape. More than one year since the start of the Treaty revision, the second round of public consultations is closing today.

NGOs demand transparency in negotiations over Plomin C coal project in Croatia


Croatian electricity company HEP on Monday announced that it had signed an exclusivity agreement to conduct further negotiations with Japan's Marubeni - a company which has been implicated in several corruption scandals.

Guest post: Pljevlja shareholder A2A must resist pressure to build new lignite unit in Montenegro


Montenegro's government is pushing hard for the construction of a new unit at the Pljevlja lignite-fired power plant. NGOs are encouraging the major shareholder company to not give in to this pressure, writes Jelena Marojević Galić from Green Home.

Bankwatch stops cutting of another 22 hectares of forest for coal mining in Romania


In a file launched by Bankwatch in 2014, a Romanian court annulled [ro] 27 deforestation permits last week, preventing 22 hectares of forest in the country’s south-west to be cut for the expansion of an open-pit coal mine.

New arrests should dampen Serbia's appetite for coal


Corruption cases continue to haunt Serbia’s coal sector as a new round of arrests last week has shown. They also illustrate how the dependence on coal creates vulnerabilities for Serbia’s energy sector and potentially its financiers, in particular in the aftermath of last year’s floods.

Guest post: Resettlement process for Kosovo Power Project does not comply with international standards


A report being presented today analyses the process with which 7000 are to be resettled for the Kosovo lignite mine and concludes that the World Bank-financed process does not comply with the bank's own standards and is plagued by a slew of other weaknesses.

EBRD suspends loan for Romanian coal plant Turceni

Bucharest -- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) confirmed this week that it has suspended plans to finance the refurbishment of the Turceni coal power plant in Romania. The project is currently subject to a number of legal challenges on environmental grounds and Romanian authorities are investigating allegations of corruption at the plant.

Croatians say no to coal in referendum

Zagreb – Inhabitants of the city of Ploče on the Croatian coast overwhelmingly rejected a plan to build an 800 MW coal plant in their town in a referendum taking place over the weekend. The vote raises questions about the acceptability of other coal projects planned in the country, including the controversial Plomin C.

Citizens of Romanian town protest against EBRD long-term "strategic" client Kronospan


Protests against a new Kronospan formaldehyde plant in the Romanian town of Sebes continue into their third week. Their history dates more than ten years back when the company came to modernise the local plant with financing from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The ongoing demands for breathable air cast a shadow over the EBRD’s promises of sustainable development and transition.

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