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[Campaign update] 92 percent of public consultation respondents against Plomin C coal power plant


Almost all respondants to a consultation on the Plomin power plant do not want a new unit running on coal.

Western Balkans electricity plans: where will all that power go?


Western Balkan countries have ambitious plans to increase their electricity generation over the next years. But what will happen if they all become a regional energy hub? Will there be a demand for all the available electricity?

Studija: Zapadni Balkan će imati priličan višak električne energije

Source: SEEbiz, SEEbiz

LONDON - Ambicije zemalja zapadnog Balkana u izvozu električne energije mogu se pokazati kao vrlo rizične, pokazuje novo istraživanje koje su, za potrebe organizacije CEE Bankwatch, proveli Sveučilište u Groningenu i konzultantska kuća Advisory House.
Autori studije pišu da zemlje imaju ambicije da postanu izvoznici energije, ali upozoravaju da bi lokalne vlade morale uzeti u obzir razvoj događaja u susjednim zemljama koji bi novoplanirane energetske objekte učinile ekonomski neodrživim, kaže se u analizi koja je u posjedu redakcije SEEbiza.

Balkan electricity export aspirations - collection of media reports

Source: , various sources

A growing apetite for new power plants, mainly coal-fired, in the western Balkans could end up with many of them becoming `white elephants, a study released by CEE Bankwatch Network on March 19 warns. Media across the region reported on the findings:

Electricity export ambitions may prove risky for Western Balkans, shows new study

The Western Balkans countries have strong electricity export ambitions that create the danger of stranded assets, finds a new report launched by CEE Bankwatch Network today. If governments take electricity expansion decisions without taking due account of developments in other countries, the region will have to compete with other nearby exporters and may find that its power plants become uneconomic.

By the numbers: where will energy come from in the western Balkans?


Today we've published a new report analysing future energy trends in countries of the western Balkans.

From a robust dataset we researched together with the University of Groningen and the consultancy 'The Advisory House', we've pulled out a couple of illustrations.

Stranded assets in the Western Balkans - report on the long-term economic viability of new export capacities

Country chapters available for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia.

For other languages, see here.

Analysing the estimated energy demand and production capacities in Western Balkan countries, this study shows that if countries realise their planned capacity expansions, the region will have a 56 per cent electricity surplus in 2024, led by Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Nearly all governments in the region aspire to become electricity exporters, but the study argues that if governments fail to take into account the regional perspective, they could end up with power plants becoming simply uneconomic to operate.

Victories piling up: 130 more hectares of forest saved from lignite mining in Romania

Bucharest - A Romanian court has accepted a petition filed by Bankwatch Romania and Greenpeace Romania, and cancelled the environmental permit which allowed cutting down 130 hectares of forests - equivalent to approximately 260 football pitches - to make way for the expansion of the Pinoasa lignite open pit.

Energy Community countries so rich they can afford to eschew climate action?


Planned new coal capacities will result in high additional costs for Energy Community countries. Transforming their energy sectors into efficient, sustainable renewables-based systems is not only possible but a cost-effective way forward.

South eastern European countries must take climate action or face hefty bills, says new report

Countries of the Energy Community risk wasting hundreds of millions of Euros on outdated energy infrastructure if they do not adopt policies to tackle climate change, finds a new report released today by CEE Bankwatch Network and partners in four countries across the region.

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