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Balkan i EU, trgovina strujom: EU podrzava ambicije zemalja regiona za izvoz struje u EU


Studija opravdanosti, sa Procenom uticaja na društvo i životnu sredinu ESIA, za 400 kV interkonekciju između Bajine Bašte u Srbiji, Pljevalja u Crnoj Gori i Višegrada u Bosni i Hercegovini, pokazala je da će projekat doneti ekonomske koristi zemljama uključenim u projekat i da je ekonomski izvodljiv za operatore prenosnih sistema. Implementacija projekta verovatno će generisati i ekonomske koristi za tržišta električne energije u regionu jugoistočne Evrope.

Bosnien/Kroatien/Serbien: Wer ist schuld an der Flutkatastrophe vor einem Jahr?

Source: Darko Jakovljevic, ARD

Es war die schlimmste Flut in der Region seit Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen. Hunderttausende in Bosnien, Kroatien und Serbien mussten im Mai 2014 vor dem Wasser fliehen. Für 82 Menschen kam jede Hilfe zu spät. Ein Jahr danach ist ARD Reporter Darko Jakovljevic nach Rajevo Selo gefahren, ein Ort in Kroatien, der von den Wassermassen der Save komplett überflutet war. Noch heute ist an Alltag in Rajevo Selo kaum zu denken. Die Hochwasseropfer sind misstrauisch, glauben nicht, dass alles Menschenmögliche für ihre Sicherheit getan wurde.

Eighty hectares of forest still standing in the lignite county of Gorj, court rules

Bucharest - Another environmental permit for the deforestation of 80 hectares of forest has been cancelled by a Bucharest court, following a Bankwatch Romania petition. The decision curtails plans to expand a lignite quarry in the Gorj county.

Balkan coal rush risks lasting damage, campaigners warn

Source: James Crisp, EurActiv

Balkan countries and Ukraine are making "substantial investments" in polluting coal power stations to sell cheap electricity to the European Union, as the bloc searches for new suppliers to reduce its dependence on Russian gas.

EU officials appear reluctant to use energy negotiations next month, or trade law, to force higher air pollution and environmental standards, despite the risks the rush poses to EU climate change and enlargement policies, and to finances and public health in the Balkans.

Pressure mounts on EBRD to quit Macedonian dam folly

Macedonia's Mavrovo national park is the largest and richest national park in the country and home to the critically endangered Balkan Lynx. The Macedonian government, however, has plans to also make Mavrovo the home for two large and around 20 small hydro power plants. Could the EBRD cancel its involvement in one of the projects?

Where will all that power go? New study assesses extravagant energy ambitions in the western Balkans

Western Balkan countries have ambitious plans to increase their electricity generation over the next years. But what will happen if they all become a regional energy hub? Will there be a demand for all the available electricity?

EBRD digs in deeper with Serbian coal king

Earlier this year, Serbian media reported that the EBRD was considering providing a new EUR 200 million loan for the financial restructuring of the state-owned electric utility power company of Serbia, EPS. The EBRD Director for Serbia, Mateo Patrone, was quoted by B92.net saying that the loan is aimed at helping the financial restructuring of EPS. Meanwhile, the EBRD's country strategy for Serbia, approved by its board of directors last April, highlights the bank's “key role in promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy” for the country.

Ohrid - Peshtani expressway project, Macedonia

The project involves the construction of a new section between Ohrid and Pestani on the A3 express ‘Kosel’ to the Albanian border crossing at Ljubanishta. The new 12.5 kilometre section is at a higher elevation than the existing coastal road and towns and will pass through the Galicica National Park. This projects is part of a sovereign guaranteed loan of up to EUR 160 million.

Boskov Most hydropower plant project

Following earlier publications about the Boskov Most project’s irreversible impact on nature, this paper provides an overview of the most recent developments concerning the planned HPPs in the Mavrovo national park.

Battles against cyanide continue in Romania


After the epic battle against the Rosia Montana gold mine in Romania ended in success, many people still don't know that Romania and other countries in the region such as Bulgaria are still threatened by several gold mining proposals, some of which would involve the use of cyanide leaching.

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