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How much will the Macedonian hydropower plant Boskov Most really cost?


The total costs of the Boskov Most hydropower plant project in Macedonia will possibly cost more than twice the projected EUR 84 million, considering that many aspects have so far not been studied or remain unresolved.

European Commission opens infringement procedure against Romania over coal mine

Bucharest -- The European Commission has opened an infringement case against Romania regarding the lignite quarry extension at the Rovinari complex in Gorj County. The Commission suspects Romania of not complying with the EU Directive concerning the environmental impact assessment of projects.

Sostanj lignite plant: A mistake not to be repeated

Ljubljana -- A new briefing by Slovenian NGO Focus shows how misguided assessments of future viability and corruption led to TES6 lignite unit costing more than double the estimated amount, bringing annual losses of tens of millions of euros, and creating only a fraction of the number of jobs promised.

European Ombudsman hammers EIB over Bosnian bridge maladministration

An unprecedented ruling and serious tough talking emanated from the European Ombudsman at the end of October following an investigation into the EIB’s involvement with a bridge construction project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Describing the approach taken by the EIB in the case as “wholly unacceptable”, the Ombudsman's conclusion pulled no punches in asserting that the bank's “maladministration risks putting into question the European Union’s commitment to strengthening the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

The Visegrad 4 and the Balkans working together for resource efficient development

In the last four years, Bankwatch has invested significant efforts in building the capacity of CSOs in the Western Balkans on various topics, particularly on the funding mechanism Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA). This compilation is intended to serve CSOs in IPA beneficiary countries and provide information about some good practices from Visegrad 4 coutries that can now be implemented in the Balkan region. It is our hope that it is found useful and worthy of distribution across the region.

Letter to EBRD: National ROads Programme in Macedonia

Time to stop shooting the messenger


Repression against civil society is on the rise, as the latest alarming case from Montenegro shows.

Two great new websites on all things coal


As anti-coal movements are gaining momentum around the world, two new websites offer a slew of information about the dirtiest of fossil fuels and the campaigns against it. They also offer a stark reminder that despite progress in the last years coal is far from dead.

European Ombudsman: EIB weakens EU efforts to strengthen rule of law

Brussels – In an unprecedented ruling this week, the European Ombudsman concluded at the end of an investigation into the EIB’s involvement with a road construction project in Bosnia and Herzegovina that the institution’s behaviour was "totally unacceptable" and it "risked putting into question the EU’s commitment for strengthening the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina."

Marubeni, hands off Plomin!


As Marubeni executive Hiroshi Tachigami attended today's Energy Market Conference in Zagreb this morning, Greenpeace activists hung a banner from the Vatroslav Lisinski concert hall in Zagreb, advising Marubeni to keep its hands off the Plomin C coal power plant project.

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