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Hydro power plants endanger the Balkan lynx in Macedonia


A fact-finding mission to Macedonia has confirmed our concerns that two planned hydro power plants are set to destroy important natural habitats in the Mavrovo National Park.

Fossil fuels rebranded as low-carbon also in Cohesion Policy discussions


Discussions in the European Parliament on the next Cohesion Policy have seemingly been taken hostage by fossil fuel friendly interests - once again with Poland taking the lead.

The many faces of coal subsidies. A glance at Romania.


The case of two Enel investments in Romania illustrates how subsidies for coal power can be ambiguous, but provide very concrete disincentives for investments in renewable energy.

The EBRD should listen (better) to civil society in Arab Spring countries


In preparation to its extended lending to Arab Spring countries, the EBRD is conducting consultations with civil society. Yet the bank doesn't seem to make an appropriate effort.

The writings on the European Parliament's wall: Make the EIB choose a brighter future


Ahead of the European Investment Bank's annual meeting, Counter Balance and Bankwatch have chosen an unconventional way to remind the EIB shareholders of the bank's chequered track record.

The medium-sized EIB bazooka - Europe's people and environment must benefit this time around


As it begins to dawn on Europe's elite that fiscal austerity is not working after all, the European Investment Bank is once again the talk of the EU as decision-makers scramble to stimulate national economies that are hemhorraging jobs and living standards - and hope - across the continent.

Chernobyl at 26: nuclear dynamite is growing in Ukraine


26 years ago, the days after the nuclear accident in Chernobyl had been marked by the glaring lack of information. Today, Europe's population is similarly clueless as back then about the nuclear risk brewing in Ukraine.

Europe's energy games are not child's play


A new campaign video illustrates Europe's self-absorbed approach to its energy policy outside Europe. (A blog entry Cross-posted from the Counter Balance blog.)

Poland's anti-climate gamble continued


Poland's application for free emission allowances is a disgrace to European climate goals. If granted, the country's fossil fuel centred plans would mean a step back for Europe's plans to decarbonise its energy sector.

Suspension or no suspension, the EBRD freezes disbursements for the Šoštanj lignite power plant


With the decision to freeze the disbursement of a loan for the Šoštanj lignite power plant in Slovenia, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development seemingly reacts to the many controversial points Bankwatch and other organisations have raised about the project.

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