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Briefing | December 19, 2014

As the negotiations on the EU funds for 2014-2020 are coming to an end, NGO partners from CEE countries conclude on their involvement during the “programming”, the process of elaboration and consultation of the future EU Cohesion Policy spending plans. Whereas some improvements compared to the previous period can be stated, an even formal compliance with the European Code of Conduct on Partnership is not always guaranteed.

Advocacy letter | December 16, 2014

This letter, sent by a group of NGOs from the Green 10 and Counter Balance coalitions, calls on the Juncker Commission and the European Investment Bank to apply principles of transparency and sustainability for the EUR 315 billion investment package.

Official document | December 16, 2014

In the Republika Srpska entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, approximately 150 km east of Banja Luka, Comsar Energy Republika Srpska (CERS) is planning to build the 2x300 MW Ugljevik 3 lignite fired power plant. This complaint outlines aspects of the Energy Community law that the plant would breach if constructed.

Briefing | December 16, 2014

The public company Elektroprivreda BiH is developing a project for the construction of unit 7 at the Tuzla lignite-fired power plant. The key financial indicators presented in JP Elektroprivrede BiH's document have been derived in an unclear manner, but even with these figures it is clear that the project is poorly grounded. This creates potential threats to Bosnia and Herzegovina's public budget since the project will likely receive state support.

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Study | December 11, 2014

This comprehensive analysis of draft government spending plans for the allocation of EU budget money shows that central and Eastern European countries are planning to use unacceptable amounts of their €350 billion allocation on dirty energy projects, polluting forms of transport and incinerators. The study was published by CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe.

See also this interactive visualisation of the spending plans.

Briefing | December 10, 2014

With climate protection set to be a high priority for the EU in the next five years and beyond, the EIB needs to streamline climate considerations across its lending to different sectors and in different regions as quickly as possible. Such a policy needs to deliver on multiple objectives, with the combating of climate change and the promotion of sustainability absolutely central to these.

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Study | December 9, 2014

This report from a fact-finding mission to the Gobi Altai mountains in Mongolia describes the impacts the Tayan Nuur iron ore mine has on local nomadic herders, including displacement, dust pollution resulting in diminished livestock, and more. While the mining company Altain Khuder responds to criticism with intimidation, the company's financier, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, is not doing enough to protect herders' rights.

Advocacy letter | December 9, 2014

The letters were sent shortly before the EBRD's board of directors are to approve a loan for the Naftogaz Emergency Pipeline Upgrade and Modernisation project. Since the project has not yet passed through all environmental and social procedures, Bankwatch asked the EBRD's president and its board in separate letters to postpone the board decision.

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Bankwatch Mail | December 2, 2014

The European Investment Bank has been at the heart of the EU's Project Bonds Initiative – its inception and its so far troubled pilot phase. Bankwatch Mail 61 examines the infrastructure challenges facing us in Europe and beyond, questions whether mechanisms such as the European project bonds are an appropriate way to tap into money in financial markets, and provides an overview of the newly launched Juncker investment package, featuring another pivotal role for the EIB in the latest high-level effort to kick-start the European economy.

Bankwatch Mail | December 2, 2014

A case of outrageous bad fortune, or a portent of things to come? The one thing that can be stated with any certainty about the collapsed Castor project, the underground gas storage plant in Vinaròs, Spain that was selected in 2013 as the lead-out project for the EU's Project Bond Initiative (PBI), is that the Spanish government has put its citizens on the hook to cover a compensation package of EUR 1.35 billion to ESCAL UGS, the project promoter.

Bankwatch Mail | December 2, 2014

Here we go again. Having been called upon to ramp up its investments in 2009 and 2010 as part of Europe's initial financial crisis fire-fighting, and then in 2012 been a central cog in the EU's ambitious but ultimately lacklustre 'Growth Compact', the European Investment Bank now finds itself at the heart of new European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker's three-year drive to boost investment in Europe, as unveiled on November 26.

Bankwatch Mail | December 2, 2014

In July 2013, the much-hyped joint European commission/EIB 'Project Bond Initiative' (PBI) had scarcely got off the ground – in its pilot phase at least – when unusual natural events took over. Work at the EUR 1.7 billion Castor underground gas storage plant off the coast of Valencia commenced in summer 2013. But by mid-September the Spanish government was forced to halt work at the plant after 220 mini earthquakes in the area were detected in less than a month. Local residents reported the tremors following injections of natural gas to prepare Castor for operations. Subsequent research has found that the gas injection provoked 1,000 earthquakes in the region.

Bankwatch Mail | December 2, 2014

An unprecedented ruling and serious tough talking emanated from the European Ombudsman at the end of October following an investigation into the EIB’s involvement with a bridge construction project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Describing the approach taken by the EIB in the case as “wholly unacceptable”, the Ombudsman's conclusion pulled no punches in asserting that the bank's “maladministration risks putting into question the European Union’s commitment to strengthening the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

Bankwatch Mail | December 2, 2014

Operational transparency standards at the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development continue to deteriorate, according to the 2014 Aid Transparency Index (ATI) published in October by aid watchdog Publish What You Fund (PWYF).

Bankwatch Mail | December 2, 2014

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has revealed, in a letter of late October to Bankwatch's Slovak member group Friends of the Earth-CEPA, that the EnerCap Power Fund, a private equity investor, has pulled out of the controversial COGEN gas power plant being developed in the northern Slovakian town of Považský Chlmec.