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Official document | February 25, 2015

The European Semester should be further developed to become an effective governance and enforcement mechanism that can ensure coherence between national fiscal policies and overarching sustainable development objectives. Environmental NGOs have carried out a consultation among their networks of members and national experts and are providing concrete Country Specific Recommendations for 21 Member States as well as the Eurozone in general.

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Study | February 25, 2015

This study assesses the potential for the use of hydraulic fracturing in Ukraine, looking into potential impacts and costs as well as putting together the country's experiences with the technology to date. The report highlights the fact that Ukrainian companies have used hydraulic fracturing before the shale gas boom with at least two dozens of companies involved in the drilling. (In Ukraine, no specific rules or laws exist that would regulate the use of this hydraulic fracturing. The activities of relevant companies are governed by laws applicable to conventional oil and gas production.)

Advocacy letter | February 16, 2015

In a bid to help the recession-hit Ukrainian economy, the country’s government has significantly reduced regulatory obligations for businesses and state-owned companies. This includes Ukraine’s nuclear power plants which have been plagued in the recent past by ageing reactors and accidents and whose safety upgrades are receiving support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Euratom. In this letter Ukraine Bankwatch member group is asking the EBRD to pressure the government to ensure that the Ukrainian state nuclear regulator SRNIU is able to carry out inspections of nuclear power plants.

Briefing | February 16, 2015

The European Commission President Juncker’s ‘Investment plan for growth and jobs’ is aiming at mobilising EUR 315 billion of additional investments by 2018. A proposed regulation setting up the framework of the EFSI is currently negotiated in the European Parliament and the Council and its adoption is envisaged for June 2015.

This briefing, prepared by Bankwatch, Counter Balance, Friends of the Earth Europe and WWF Europe stresses that this regulation should give clarity on how the fund will contribute to the achievement of EU long-term objectives, its added-value for the EU and the expected benefits for European citizens: all projects benefiting from the fund should explicitly accelerate the transition of Europe’s economies, infrastructure investments should aim at the decarbonisation, decentralization and decrease of energy and transport systems, R&D focusing on the absolute decoupling of resource use and production.

Briefing | February 10, 2015

The European Semester should be further developed to become an effective governance and enforcement mechanism that can ensure coherence between national fiscal policies and overarching sustainable development objectives. To this extent national Environmental Fiscal Reforms (EFR) should be accelerated via the European Semester and Member States national public spending and investment plans should be checked against their delivery on sustainable development.

Bankwatch Mail | February 2, 2015

Pressure is mounting on the European Investment Bank to take swift action that addresses weaknesses in its policy on lending to businesses based in tax havens.

Briefing | February 2, 2015

This briefing was presented to the directors of the European Investment Bank during a meeting with civil society organisations.

Bankwatch Mail | February 2, 2015

The European Investment Bank, as the EU’s lending arm, needs a lending policy on climate protection which properly reflects the EU’s climate policies and legislation.

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Leaflet | January 31, 2015

The first instance of shale gas extraction with hydraulic fracturing in Tunisia took place in March 2010 and since then Tunisia actively supports this method. Former prime minister Mehdi Jomaa (who once worked for a subsidiary of oil company Total) said in September 2014 that his government is determined to explore shale gas and that critics will not stop Tunisia pursuing its extraction.

Advocacy letter | January 27, 2015

One week before the European Investment Bank’s board of directors is expected to approve the bank’s new transparency policy, 13 civil society groups warn the EIB's directors that the draft policy amounts to a weakening of the already dismal transparency standards of the EU’s house bank.

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Study | January 21, 2015

The study explains why the Southern Gas Corridor, the EU’s new pet energy project, is not only unnecessary in light of gas demand projections, but also seems likely to fall short on the much flaunted goal of bringing energy independence from Russia.

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Study | December 26, 2014

The Environmental Impact Assessment process is an important tool for the public in both the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) and the Eastern Partnership region (EaP) to ensure fully fledged public participation. Knowing the general jargon of the EIA process and understanding its structure, functions and aims, provides the public with a great opportunity to ensure its right to participation and to influence decision-making. This publication aims to bring this knowledge to those who can benefit from it.

Official document | December 23, 2014

The complaint, filed by seven individuals affected by the mine on 23 December 2014 at the EBRD’s Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM), alleges that the environmental and social impacts of Altain Khuder’s mine are inconsistent with EBRD’s policies. Herders have brought these impacts to the attention of the company on numerous occasions but rather than solving the problems the company has reacted with intimidation and legal action.

Briefing | December 22, 2014

Despite the Russian invasion in Ukraine leading to EU and US sanctions against Moscow and major Russian energy companies, public banks supported by EU countries are gearing up to offer almost a billion dollars in financial support to Russian company Lukoil for gas extraction in Azerbaijan.

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Study | December 22, 2014

The Project Compliance Mechanism (PCM) is the EBRD's accountability mechanism for the assessment and follow-up of complaints about project financed by the bank. The PCM is a grievance mechanism for civil society, local groups and individuals that may be directly and adversely affected by a bank project. It's purpose is to help identify when the EBRD or its client has not fulfilled the obligations defined in the bank's policies and to facilitate a problem-solving process with the EBRD's client.