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Infographic: If energy security is the question ... the Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline is not the answer

Europe talks of diversifying energy supplies from Russia by building a set of pipelines from the shores of Azerbaijan's Caspian Sea to Italy. But the EU's dependency on Azerbaijan for fossil energy fuels repression and feeds the authoritarian Aliyev regime. All the while, Europe does not need all that gas.

Khudoni hydropower plant, Georgia


While a mountain community will have to be forced to resettle for this mega-project, the opaque ownership and weak taxation mean that benefits for Georgia are highly doubtful.

Discovering Ukraine's Nuclear Shadows

- UPDATING STORY - A Bankwatch fact-finding mission is currently in Ukraine to explore the state of nuclear energy in the country, particularly in light of intentions to extend the lifetime of 12 Soviet-era nuclear units.

29 de ani de la dezastrul nuclear din Cernobîl

Source: Laurenţiu Diaconu-Colintineanu, RFI Romania

În Ucraina, la Cernobîl, în urmă cu 29 de ani se producea cel mai grav accident nuclear din istorie. Explozia reactorului 4 din centrala nucleară de la Cernobîl a degajat un nor radioactiv care a acoperit toată Europa. Însă Ucraina este o țară cu 15 reactoare nucleare, iar incidente s-au inregistrat și la alte centrale. Ascultați un reportaj realizat în Ucraina, de Laurențiu Colintineanu.

Analysis of Ukraine's draft national emissions reduction plan

The assessment below covers the hard coal fired Large Combustion Plants exceeding 300MWth included in the draft national emissions reduction plan submitted by Ukraine at the 36th Permanent High Level Group meeting of the Energy Community in Vienna.

Carte postala din Cernobil, 29 de ani mai tarziu

Source: Laurentiu Colintineanu , HotNews.ro

Pe 26 aprilie 1986 avea aloc primul si, pana in prezent, cel mai grav accident nuclear din istorie. Astazi, Cernobil e un punct important pe harta turismului in zone devastate. Ucrainenii nu au timp sau dispozitie sa se gandeasca la tragedia din urma cu aproape trei decenii. Strainii vin, privesc si pleaca. Poate ca evolutia e normala dupa atata timp, dar ea ascunde pericolul uitarii si un fals sentiment de siguranta.

Tax dodging, development and European public banks


A new report highlights how the weak taxation policy of the European Investment Bank is undermining its ability to serve public interest in Europe and the Global South at a time when the use of tax haven is exposed as one of the most important barriers to development.

Unpaid coal bill: Romanian coal exports to Serbia marred by corruption


A dodgy deal to export coal from Romania to Serbia has left the Romanian state-owned coal supplier with a potential seven million euros write-off.

"Fight tax havens, start with the European Investment Bank", argues new report

Counter Balance & Re:Common press release

The European Investment Bank (EIB) was the first Development Financial Institution (DFI) to adopt a tax haven policy in 2009. However, more than five years on EIB money still runs via tax havens. A new report by Counter Balance and Re:Common* ‘Towards a Responsible Taxation Policy for the EIB’ which is launched today calls on the EU’s public bank to grasp the political momentum at EU level to prevent any public money from flowing through tax havens. Country by country reporting, identification of beneficial ownership and a workable list of non-compliant jurisdictions would be key ingredients of a real “Responsible Taxation Policy”.

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