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Italian mayor stands up against EU priority gas pipeline


Local opposition against the Trans-Adriatic gas pipeline (TAP) is growing as an Italian mayor made clear in an open letter to the European Commission and European public banks.

Will energy efficiency be sidelined in the Energy Union's implementation?


EU energy ministers are meeting in Brussels today to discuss the implementation of the Energy Union. Looking at what has been discussed so far, the strategy may not prioritise energy efficiency enough to help Europe become climate-friendly.

Illegal coal subsidies could cost south-east European countries dearly, warns new study

Prague - New investments in coal mines and power plants could cost the Western Balkans and Ukraine dearly if they fail to take into account binding rules on subsidies (State aid), according to a new briefing released today by CEE Bankwatch Network.

Risks for coal and electricity investments in the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova due to state-aid rules

By signing the Energy Community Treaty in 2005, countries in the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova agreed that the European Union's competition rules are to be applied also within their territory. A number of energy sector investments are being planned that may not so far have taken adequate account of State aid rules. This briefing therefore provides a summary to draw attention to relevant requirements of EU law and highlight the risks of failure to take them into account when planning investments. The account when planning investments.

Ugalj bi mogao skupo koštati Balkan

Source: B92, B92

Investicije u rudnike uglja i termoelektrane mogle bi skupo koštati države zapadnog Balkana i Ukrajinu, ako i dalje budu dodeljivane subvencije za te projekte.

To je pokazala studija koju je danas objavila mreža CEE Bankwatch Network.

Preferencijalni krediti i garancije za te projekte striktno su definisana pravilima iz Sporazuma o Energetskoj zajednici, koji je stupio na snagu 2006. a države potpisnice i dalje planiraju nove termoelektrane na ugalj i rudnike bez obraćanja pažnje na rizike te državne pomoći, navodi se u saopštenju Centra za ekologiju i održivi razvoj (CEKOR).

Balkan i EU, trgovina strujom: EU podrzava ambicije zemalja regiona za izvoz struje u EU


Studija opravdanosti, sa Procenom uticaja na društvo i životnu sredinu ESIA, za 400 kV interkonekciju između Bajine Bašte u Srbiji, Pljevalja u Crnoj Gori i Višegrada u Bosni i Hercegovini, pokazala je da će projekat doneti ekonomske koristi zemljama uključenim u projekat i da je ekonomski izvodljiv za operatore prenosnih sistema. Implementacija projekta verovatno će generisati i ekonomske koristi za tržišta električne energije u regionu jugoistočne Evrope.

Transforming development finance? Europe's multilateral lenders fail on aid transparency


The recently published 2015 Aid Transparency Review concludes that the European Union is off track from meeting its aid transparency commitments. Europe’s two multilateral development banks are indicative of the altogether rather disappointing outcome.

Jordan’s modern mirage: reporting from the Red Sea - Dead Sea Conveyance project

In November 2014 CEE Bankwatch Network visited Jordan to explore issues surrounding the Red Sea - Dead Sea Conveyance project. The aim of the mission was to understand better the problems, concerns and hopes of local communities living along the route of the project, and identify the risks and benefits of the project through interviews with specialists having knowledge of its development.

Bosnien/Kroatien/Serbien: Wer ist schuld an der Flutkatastrophe vor einem Jahr?

Source: Darko Jakovljevic, ARD

Es war die schlimmste Flut in der Region seit Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen. Hunderttausende in Bosnien, Kroatien und Serbien mussten im Mai 2014 vor dem Wasser fliehen. Für 82 Menschen kam jede Hilfe zu spät. Ein Jahr danach ist ARD Reporter Darko Jakovljevic nach Rajevo Selo gefahren, ein Ort in Kroatien, der von den Wassermassen der Save komplett überflutet war. Noch heute ist an Alltag in Rajevo Selo kaum zu denken. Die Hochwasseropfer sind misstrauisch, glauben nicht, dass alles Menschenmögliche für ihre Sicherheit getan wurde.

Better results and smoother uptake - guarantee partners' involvement during EU funds implementation and monitoring

Despite some shortcomings of partners’ involvement during the Programming of the EU funds for 2014-2020, environmental partners could significantly improve the mainstreaming of environmental protection requirements throughout Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes. It is now all the more important to ensure partners can contribute during the implementation and monitoring of EU regional development funding.

This paper offers practical suggestions to strengthen the role of civil society:

  • Enable timely access to all relevant information,
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