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Ucraina - Pericolul nuclear ascuns in vazul tuturor

Source: L. Colintineanu, I. Moldovan, HotNews.ro

Atentia intregii regiuni, daca nu a intregii lumi, este concentrata pe evenimentele din estul Ucrainei. Pe buna dreptate, pentru ca un razboi in Europa nu mai putea fi imaginat de multi dintre noi. In tot acest timp insa, in Ucraina se intampla si alte lucruri, unele cu potential impact direct asupra Romaniei intr-un caz tragic. E vorba despre starea ingrijoratoare a reactoarelor nucleare ale acestei tari si prelungirea duratei lor de viata cu incalcarea conventiilor internationale la care Kievul a aderat. De la Bucuresti, liniste totala. Autoritatile romane nu par ingrijorate.

Publish What You Pay: 'Lukoil loan would fundamentally contradict EBRD policies'

The Board of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a coalition of companies, governments, investors and civil society organisations has unanimously downgraded Azerbaijan to a "candidate country". Azerbaijan will be suspended from the EITI in April 2016 if it does not comply with a set of requirements that ensure civil society can work freely in the country.

Sport for Rights to EBRD: No public money for Lukoil and mega gas project in Azerbaijan

On Wednesday 22 July the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will decide whether it will arrange a loan of up to $ 500 million to Russia’s Lukoil for the Shah Deniz II offshore gas project in Azerbaijan.

Together with the campaigners of Sport for Rights and sixteen other NGOs, Bankwatch has written a letter to the EBRD’s president and its directors. We urge them to reject the project because Azerbaijan fails the EBRD’s basic requirements which include human rights, multi-party democracy, rule of law and pluralism.

CSOs key points for the forthcoming EIB climate policy

In this letter to EIB, civil society organisations point out that the EIB's forthcoming climate policy cannot only be limited to repackaging previous climate commitments or solely focusing on technical incremental changes. In the framework of the new EU 2030 climate and energy targets and the forthcoming international climate conference in Paris, ambitious new policy commitments are indispensable to make the EIB credible.

Resavica: Serbia's canary in the coal mine


After decades of powering Serbia it seems the coal business in the country is on life support. Yet policymakers in Belgrade refuse to consider alternative sources of energy.

Financing Partnership: supporting partners in monitoring and implementation of EU funds from Technical Assistance

This paper addresses the challenges faced by civil sociey organisations in building and maintaining their capacities for fully contributing to monitoring and the
implementation of ESIF 2014 - 2020.

As exemplified by best practices from Poland and Slovakia, Techncial Assistance can indeed support civil society partners' comprehensive involvement in the policy cycle. However, financial support for partners is more an exemption than a common practice in the CEE region.

European Bank Says Mining Projects Don’t Damage Glaciers

Source: Ryskeldi Satke, Glacier Hub

For years, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has been involved in the Kumtor mining project, which some experts say is contaminating ground and surface waters. Kyrgyz local communities have been complaining that the gold mine is causing negative environmental and social impacts on the nearby villages. Additionally, international NGOs and Kyrgyz environmentalists believe that the Canadian-operated Centerra Gold mine is triggering rapid glacier melt due to company’s mining practices. The EBRD has denied these claims.

The Balkans Are Giving Climate Change the Finger

Source: Nathan Siegel, Ozy

After just five hours visiting the tiny Serbian village of Vreoci, just outside the country’s capital, environmental activist Dragana Mileusnic developed a terrible cough. Vreoci is pincered between two rapidly expanding arms of the Kolubara coal mine, one of the largest in Europe, which churns out 22 million tons of coal per year — along with what Mileusnic calls “incredible” air pollution. Now the mine owner is resettling the entire village because coal dust, smog and respiratory disease have made life there unbearable.

MEPs challenge EU financial support for Ukraine's Soviet-era nuclear fleet

Twenty-five Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have signed a letter today urging the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Euratom to suspend their financial support for Ukraine's ageing nuclear reactors until the potential environmental impacts of their prolonged operation in Ukraine and on neighbouring countries are fully assessed.

The letter is available on the Bankwatch website.

Romanian environmental inspectorate orders closure of two coal plants operating outside EU pollution laws

Last week the Environmental Inspectorate in Hunedoara, Romania demanded the closure of two thermal power plants at Mintia and Paroşeni, because neither of the units complies with air quality requirements of the EU’s Large Combustion Plants Directive (LCPD). Hunedoara Energy Complex, which manages the Mintia and Paroşeni plants, has challenged the decision in court.

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